Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Kicked by the 'Cats … Again

 #3 Oklahoma 35 Kansas St 38

Well, that sucked.

ScattershootingWhatever happened to the Sooners 39-game home winning streak?

Only in 2020 … Corona Virus Count: Game 2: 8 Players / Season Count: 24 Players

Not Exclusive to 2020 … Well, we finally found something the Corona-virus pandemic couldn't have an affect on in 2020 … the Oklahoma Sooners defense. Saturday, as is the norm, the defense gave up 400 total yards, 336 of which came through the air. But they tried to make up for it by creating zero turnovers.  But in defense of the defense … it's hard to intercept a pass when your not close enough to the receiver to be in the television camera when he catches it. The good news: at least there wasn't an end-zone celebratory photo pose this week.

Expect the Unexpected … The Sooners season took an unexpected detour with Saturday’s home loss to double-digit underdog Kansas State.  But should it really have been all that unexpected? After all, Saturday’s loss to K-State marked the 6th straight year the Sooners have lost a game they were heavily favored to win.

So You’re Saying There’s a Chance … Going into Saturday, teams that were (1) ranked in the top-5 (2) playing at home (3) against an unranked, double-digit underdog opponent and (4) were leading by double digits entering the 4th quarter were 571-0.  Make that 571-1.  Yes, There’s Only 1 Oklahoma.

Over/Under 35 …You would think that 35-points would’ve been enough to have won the game on Saturday, but it wasn’t. The truth is, 35-points hasn’t been good enough to win, or at least win enough to call yourself an elite program, for a while now.  Since 2015, the Sooners are 58-10 (not counting 2020), which is an average of 11+ wins and 2 losses a year.  If the Sooners lost every game they allowed their opponent to score 35 points, their record drops to 43-25 (Avg. 8.5 wins/5 losses). While it would still be better than Texas overall record (35-29), it is far from elite.

Back When I Was Growing Up … From 1965-1995 (31-seasons) an Oklahoma Sooners opponent score 35-points: 18-times. From 2014-2019 (6-seasons) it has happened 29 times. Yes, the game has changed, but wow.

You Just Can’t Make This Shit Up … Wildcat kicker, Blake Lynch, who use to work as a janitor in the K-State athletic department to pay for school prior to receiving a scholarship in 2018, had never made a 50-yard field goal prior to Saturday and missed two of his 3 tries against Arkansas St. in the Wildcats season opener. So, naturally, the 5’ 5” 140 lbs. retired custodian hit it flush. It was a Fantastic kick that looked like a Comet coming off his foot, wiping clean what was once a 21-point lead.  If only he’d grown up in area code 409! Sorry, just trying a little custodian humor to put a shine on your day. But in all seriousness, congrats to that young man for not only making the kick, but for his perseverance to earn a scholarship. Well done.

Isn’t That a Kick in the … Lynch making his first 50 yard+ field goal, brings up the question of … when was the last time a field goal kicker missed a field-goal against the Sooners (in a game that matters)? 

Brace Yourself Kid … Did you notice that, unlike the first game, Rattler was wearing a knee brace on Saturday? From the way our offensive line played on Saturday, he may want to consider bubble-wrap and a body guard against Iowa St.  Speaking of the offensive line …

Holy Holding Penalty, Batman … Coming into the season, everything you read or heard indicated that the strength of this football team would be the offensive line. Well, if that’s the case, then this football team is in big time trouble. Bottom line, the Sooners offensive line was flat out horrible on Saturday.  We interrupt this rant for a word from this writer:

Annual Disclaimer: Over the years of writing this blog, I’ve become more and more conscious in regard to trying hard to not call out individual players.  They’re kids. Mere student athletes doing the best they can and doing it at a level that I can only dream about. They also didn’t ask for some 54-year old guy whose name rhymes to live vicariously through them. But sadly I do. 

So, as my grandfather use to say, “Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick,” are you f-ing telling me that there isn’t anyone on this team wearing a number over 49 that isn’t better than Swenson, Robinson, and Hayes?  I’d be one thing if we we’re trying to open a law firm but we’re not; we’re trying to open holes and protect our QB for f***-sake.

Granted, she has a good swim move, but Swenson couldn’t block my mom. Hell, even when Robinson holds, which is practically every f-ing play, his man still get to the QB. Hayes, well, he’s just glad that Robinson & Hayes are in the game because that means he won’t be the worst lineman on the field, maybe.  No wonder Rattler came out wearing a knee brace after playing ½ of a college football game.

What happened to ‘this offensive line group is deep and talented and there will be real competition for playing time?’ Please tell me that the deep and talented assessment didn’t come from watching them go against our defensive line in practice every day. Just because Pee Wee Herman can whip up on Richard Simmons on a daily basis doesn't make him a bad-ass. Okay, I’m through now.

Play Calling & Defense  I'm sorry, I can't address the play calling, the defensive ineptitude and the offensive line play in one blog entry without going over my quota limit in regards to negativity and length. But it would be safe to assume that I wasn't a fan of all three.

The Rattler Report.  Yes, as the mass media pointed out ad nauseum, Rattler did indeed throw 3-interceptions. I saw them all. But let’s pull back the curtain on those 3-picks. The first interception was a tipped ball, which is more an unfortunate break than an indictment of his play. As a great philosopher once said, "Shit happens."

Admittedly, the second interception was one that Rattler would probably like to have back. The ball was under-thrown and into tight coverage and made worse by the fact that he had Stogner and Stoops breaking open underneath. Spencer isn’t the first young QB to eschew the safe stuff underneath in favor of going deep, nor will he be the last.  Look, I’m not trying to be a mother-hen homer here, as obviously I’d prefer that our QB, whether he is young, old or Eric Moore, to not turn the ball over; but despite the two picks – he’d played well enough to have the Sooners up by 21-points with a quarter and a half to go in the football game. And oh by-the-way … the other 27 passes he’d thrown?  He’d completed 26 of them for 4 touchdowns. I have limited math skills, but I'm thinking that's pretty damn good.

But every Sooner hater and talking head in the country will point to the third interception as the reason the Sooners lost the game.  But before I address that ridiculous notion – let me preface by saying this: Ever since Y.A. Tittle was a pup, the QB has always received the majority of the credit or the lion share of the blame – earned or otherwise. It comes with the job, especially when your a 5-Star recruit who was last seen on his own reality TV show. Proof?  Just last week, Rattler was the talk of college football. His performance, which was relegated to one-half of football against Un-Huh State, resulted in him appearing on Heisman watch lists. This week … those same people are using terms like ‘poor-vision, rattled and over-rated.’  

Bottom line, yes, it would’ve been nice if he had orchestrated a game winning drive on that last possession. If he had, the 2-previous interceptions’ become merely a footnote... like if you woke up next to Scarlett Johansson, the fact she had bad breath would probably be lost in the story you told your buddies.  But he didn’t …

Frankly, his throw to Drake Stoops over the middle that resulted in the game-ending interception, was both late and off target.  Hello third INT, good-bye #3 ranking.  An interception or turnover at the end of the game will always be magnified, but regardless, the loss was far from his fault.

Spencer Rattler, playing in his first real college football game, completed 30 of 41 passes for 381 yards and 4-touchdowns. Even with the picks, Rattler played well enough for the Sooner to win on Saturday. He just didn’t play well enough to overcome the multitude of reasons that the Sooners didn’t.

But I do have one question for you Spencer … Dude, what the fuck is up with that hair do?

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

Buddy Putty - The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Game 1 Review: OU 48 Missouri St. 0


Scattershooting, while wondering whatever happened to former college and pro football head coach, Bobby Petrino … Oh, seriously?

Outside the Lines from Week 1:

Covid Count: 16-Players Out / Season Count: 16

Compared to some of the other college and pro games I’ve been watching, the stands at Memorial Stadium during the Missouri St. game looked like Woodstock. But if some of the 22,000 + in attendance looked a little stiff to you, well, there’s a reason for that. With seating restrictions being enforced, the OU Athletic Department offered fans the chance to sorta attend.  Yes, for $50.00 you could have a cardboard likeness of yourself placed in an open seat. I immediately signed up … but since the cardboard likeness of one of my checks for $50.00 that I sent in was returned to me, I don’t think The Faux OAS made the game.

Evidently, Missouri State fans were offered the same opportunity by their university … except their cardboard likenesses got to start on defense for the Bears.

 Speaking of the Bears …

Southwest Missouri State

Let’s not sugar-coat it.  Regardless of what they call their school (formerly known as Southwest Missouri St.) the Bears are, well, not good. Members of the Missouri Valley Conference in the FCS, the loss Saturday night dropped the Bears all-time record to 470-520-79.  After finishing 1-10 a year ago, the program found itself in such a desperate state that they thought it a good idea to hire Bobby Petrino to be their head coach. Clearly, they didn’t ask for references.

On the bright side, the Bears will not lose 10-games again the year, regardless of who their coach is, that I can promise. That’s because they only have 4-games on their 2020 schedule.

Being a bad team is one thing but there is no excuse for not being original.  The name of the Missouri State mascot: Boomer.  The name of their band: The Pride. Hopefully, they left town before changing their colors to crimson and cream.

 The Game:

Even with several starters missing, the Sooners looked very sharp in all three phases of the game in the first half.  While it’s true that you can’t read too much into Saturday night’s performance due to the inferior opponent, you can’t totally discount it either. After all, the Sooners have opened the season against door mats before … but that didn’t keep them from tracking mud into the house. (See UTEP in 2013).

The Rattler Era Begins

The much anticipated Spencer Rattler era kicked off a week ago Saturday night around 6:00 PM.  By 7:30 the red-shirt freshman was done for the night, having gone 14 of 17 for 290 yards and 4 touchdowns. Under his direction, the offense scored 41 points on 35 snaps, 31 of which came in the first quarter. There was a lot to like about Rattler’s debut (he set 4 OU and/or Big 12 records for a freshman QB while only playing a single half), but what stood out the most to me was the way he distributed the football. His 14 completions were to 8-different receivers, which tells me he isn’t locking in on one receiver. As I’ve stated before, this kid, if he stays healthy, will be every bit as good as the two Heisman winning QB’s and the running back that played QB for the Sooners before him.

Cooler than Cool

I’ll admit, watching walk-on red-shirt freshman Finn Corwin catch a 16-yard touchdown pass early in the fourth-quarter Saturday night made me a little emotional. Finn was a star wide-receiver at Highland Park High School who helped lead the Scots to 3-straight Texas 5A State Championships. While that’s cool, that alone wouldn’t cause me to go all Ole Yeller.  But the fact that Finn’s dad, Mike Corwin, is a fraternity brother of mine ... well … sports tears.  Congrats, Mike.  I know how proud I was for both you and Finn on Saturday night … I can’t imagine how cool that must have been for you as a father.

 Not So Cool

The end-zone celebration by the entire OU defense following Delarrin Turner-Yell’s interception in the 3rd quarter against Missouri St. was ridiculous and completely embarrassing IMO. If they were that excited about an INT up 41 against Missouri St., what the hell would they have done if he’d also scored – thrown a parade and given DTY a key to the city? Hell, you don’t see me dancing around behind the bar, posing in front of the other patrons, and showing up the bartender just because I finish my crown on the rocks. Hey OU Defense … act like you’ve done it before … oh, wait … shit, never mind.

Absolutely Loaded

The Sooners are absolutely loaded at the H-Back position, which is a fullback/tight end hybrid. While Austin Stogner is the starter, Jeremiah Hall, Brayden Willis & freshman Mickey Henderson could just as easily be.  Look for several big plays to be made by members of this group all year long.

Rumor Has It …

… That almost every player on the Sooners 2-deep depth chart has already had Covid. It sounds strange to say, but from a football perspective at least, that is good thing.  I’m not a doctor, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but it is my understanding that chances of contracting the virus a second time is rare – which would seemingly allow us to go back to worrying more about players missing games due to injuries and suspensions vs. global pandemics. 

… that the situation at Kansas St. is much like what the Sooners faced prior to their opener against Missouri State.  From what I’ve heard it sounds like contact tracing is wreaking havoc in the area of offensive and defensive lineman for the Wildcats. As of Tuesday, those in the know say that K-State still has enough players to play, but a lot hinges on the results of Wednesday testing. As of Tuesday – chances of OU and K-State playing this Saturday, 50/50.  

A sign of the times …

Who knew we’d ever see a day that it was okay to enter a bank and ask for money with a mask on?

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

 Buddy Putty

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