Friday, September 17, 2010



My attitude is one of hope…Hoping it was only one game, the first game…hoping that Utah St. was just better than expected (which I think is true)…and hoping that even though looking ahead is a bad habit too, maybe that is what happened here.”
–Quote from The OAS in Week One Update.

I know. Amazing isn’t it? Insight with that kind of depth is not easy to find these days. It’s a gift really. Oh, like you, I hear the talk…people calling me a “Super Hero of Sooner Stuff”…but I don’t know…the word ‘super’ is so over used these days. Ultimately, I guess that’s for me to decide. But regardless of how I label my genius, it feels good knowing that my level headed, even keel, emotionally stable approach in regards to all things Sooner Football is being recognized.

Not buying that? Yeah, me neither. Like most of you, I have met me. Even keel? Can’t say I have heard that used to describe me in, well, ever. My ‘hope prediction’ from last week, falls squarely into the “even my broken clock is right twice a day” category…Hell, I was just due. As far as my history with predictions or assumptions go…A man has a better chance of being the victim in a Lifetime Channel movie than I do being correct. I don’t need Charles Dickens to send the ‘Ghost of Over Reactions Past’ my way for a visit to remember these little winners:

Allen Patrick will never see the field as a running back
What I meant to say was…Patrick turned out to be a very important part of the offense for the Sooners in 2006 & 2007. In 2006, he adequately took over for an injured Adrian Peterson…rushing for 761 yards on 169 carries. In 2007 as the starter he rushed for a team leading 1,009 yards, on 173 carries. Not a bad career for a guy that was never going to see the field.

The impact of the Rhett Bomar situation will not only destroy the 2007 season, it’s impact on the program could very well be felt for years to come
Or Not. Sooners were Big 12 Champs in 2007 with a converted WR at QB. In 2008 a sophomore 2 star recruit from Putnam City named Sam Bradford led the Sooners to the Big 12 Title and BCS Title Game…Oh, and that guy Bradford; he also won the Heisman that year.
All those Bomar Sooner t-shirts I had made are in a box with my 2004 Sugar Bowl shirt, my 2005 Orange Bowl shirt and my Brent Rawls for Heisman t-shirts.

Mo Dampeer will take over from Tommie Harris and be the next great DT in Sooner historyNot So Much…Mo could have won ‘Dancing with the Stars’ with his sideline break dancing...but the Sooners were hoping for a Selmon Brother not M.C. Hammer. Dampeer ended his career with more interceptions than QB sacks (1).

But, that is the beauty of a new season and having a delete button on your blog….I am 1-0 and on fire in 2010.

"Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." – Mark Twain

Cancel those reservations at the Best Western in Shreveport. What a difference a week makes. Turns out that Landry Jones can still pass…our lineman can block….our cornerbacks can actually knock down a pass…our linebackers can make tackles with out causing red laundry to be thrown…and our kicker can…OK, well, things aren’t perfect, but they are a lot better than a lot of people in the Sooner Nation assumed at this point last week. No, the Sooners don’t suck…but we are probably not as good as we looked against FSU last weekend either. But what an improvement:


Last Week: Simply Offensive / This Week: Mr. Jones & The Jets
It took three plays to see that the offensive game plan was ‘a little different’ than it was for Utah St. Last Week: was the ‘turn around and hand it to #7’ offense...the aesthetic auto equivalent of the Chrysler K-Car…This Week: the Sooners moved the ball around, utilized weapons no one thought they even had (see TE below) and set up the run with the pass. Auto equivalent: ‘Little red Corvette’.

No Matter What Week: News flash…Ryan Broyles is a stud

I would like to report a UFO sighting:
I think I saw a TE dressed in a Sooners uniform. Last Week: What is a Tight End? (Yes, I have several smart ass answers for that as well…no pun intended.)
This Week: Mr. End Zone, I would like you to meet: James Hanna & Trent Ratterree. No they have never met…at least not since 2008. In 2009 the Sooner TE’s had the same number of TD catches that I did…that would be zero if you are scoring at home. Hanna finally showed the speed and versatility we have been hearing about since he arrived in 2008. Was it my stadium cup cocktail or did anyone have a little Trent Smith flashback on his long TD catch?

Much Ado about Mossis Madu:
Dear Mossis: Welcome back from your one game suspension. I missed you. While you were gone, Kevin Wilson was very mean to me. He made me run the ball 35 times. Doesn’t he know that I breakdown easier than Lindsay Lohan in a court room? If you decide to drink again, please take RB Jermie Calhoun with you to be your designated driver…he is obviously not busy here and needs something to do. In fact, it will probably make him feel good that he finally got an important ‘carry’as a Sooner.
Sincerely, DeMarco Murray.
P.S. Do you Chris Brown’s cell number?


Brent Venables: As The Fine Young Cannibals might have put it: He Drives Me Crazy. Every time I write him off, convinced that he couldn’t coach a player out of a paper bag…he comes off with a game plan or an adjustment that makes him out to be a genius. For every Lewis Baker he falls in love with, he develops a DJ Wolfe or Clint Ingram. For every running QB that has burned us for 200 yards on the ground.…there is a Heisman candidate or five that he has shut down like a typewriter store.
The defensive adjustment he made after the Seminoles first drive was the key to the game. The FSU coaches never found an answer. FSU QB Ponder was 11-28…and most of those 11 completions were on the first drive.
I admit that I have an on again off again thing for Venables. While I am not a fan, I am more than willing to acknowledge his success…Quick to criticize but the same with credit. He is like a woman that you are tired of going out with…but just not tired enough of her to break up. Venables and I are going out again Saturday against Air Force…triple option offenses and I have something in common…we have both been known to be hard on relationships. See ya Saturday Brent….pick you up about 2:30.

The emergence of freshman Tony Jefferson at nickel back has given the Sooners a nice problem to have. His play has Venables playing a nickel package as more of a base defense, which takes the strong side LB off the field…which is Ronnell Lewis. Lewis is a player the coaches want on the field…so they have him playing a lot at DE….which was a crowded and talented position to begin with. Interesting to see how the rotation plays out.

Thats all I got...

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweigth Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

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