Tuesday, October 29, 2013



#10 TEXAS TECH 30 
"It's like deja-vu, all over again" -Yogi Berra

October 22, 2011
Where: Owen Field - Norman, Oklahoma
When: Saturday - late October
Who: Texas Tech Red Raiders
Why: Kickoff delayed 94 minutes due to violent area storms
What:  The Red Raiders strike first to take an early 7-0 lead, but OU ties the score at 7 with a TD drive soon after

October 26, 2013
Where: Owen Field - Norman, Oklahoma
When: Saturday - late October
Who: Texas Tech Red Raiders
Why: Kickoff delayed 75 minutes due to violent area storms
What:  The Red Raiders strike first to take an early 7-0 lead, but OU ties the score at 7 with a TD drive soon after
This one had a little bit of everything... lightning, thunder, scoring sprees, big hits, reverses, fog, rain, blunders, lead changes, big plays, long drives, penalties and enough attempted deception to make David Copperfield jealous. 
The game was part smash mouth, part finesse; part beauty and part beast.  The two teams treated momentum like Elizabeth Taylor did husbands...often obtained but never retained.  
Every time one team seemed poised to deliver a knock out blow...the other would fight back with a flurry of points to get back into the game or even take a lead.
It was almost eerie how similar the weather and the first quarter of the game were to the last time these two teams met in Norman.   Look, I have gotten use to the fact that strange stuff is going to happen when the Sooners go to Lubbock…but that voodoo b.s needs to stay out in west Texas. Thankfully, for OU fans at least, this version of OU-Tech Gridiron Groundhog Day had a different ending than the 2011 version. The Sooners were able to come out on top in a hard hitting, entertaining and exciting game…

And who says the sequel is never as good as the original?

OU Double Jeopardy
The OAS: “Alex, I’ll take ‘There’s Only One’ for $500 please.”
Alex: “These ‘Raiders of the Loss’ handed the #3 ranked Sooners their first defeat of the 2011 season. Their win over OU ended the Sooners nation’s longest home winning streak and still stands as the only time that a Bob Stoops coached OU team has lost a home game in the month of October.
Contestant #1:(bing) "What is long –winded answer?"
Contestant #2:(bing) What is how did all that fit on your card?
The OAS: (bing) Who is Texas Tech?
Alex: Texas Tech is correct...The Red Raiders are still the only team to win in Norman in the month of October.

Targeting or Turtling?
It was a very physical, hard hitting football game on Saturday…but the best hit of the day may have been when Aaron Colvin took out his own head coach. Stoops was standing about 5 yards out on the field arguing that the pass Tech had just thrown should be ruled a lateral. A lateral of course would make it a fumble and live ball instead of an incomplete pass. Meanwhile, Aaron Colvin, who is actually supposed to be on the field, is working off the same optimistic premise that Stoops is, so he picks up the ball and starts to run. He didn’t make it very far. I guess you could say he got ‘Stooped’ at the 35 yard line.

I don’t know, I could be wrong…but I would think when arguing a call with a referee, it would be more effective if done so from the sidelines. It would seem to me that your argument would tend to lose a little of its effect when your laying on your back at the near hash mark, kicking you’re arms and legs up and down like a turtle flipped over on his shell…but hey, what do I know.

There is no Kneed for This
Trey Millard’s season ending ACL injury is another huge blow to the Sooners. News of his injury really casted a pall over what should have been a celebratory post game Sooner locker room. Millard’s versatility was invaluable to the Sooners offense. Hell, most chiropractors don’t see as many back positions as Millard did. Whether it was fullback, halfback, H-back, bar back, Nickelback, Back to the Future, Back in Black, back to back or backgammon...Millard could play them all.  
I don’t think I have ever seen someone who could block as well as Millard coming out of the backfield. Equally important, is that by all accounts he seemed to be a good dude and one of the most popular guys on the team. 
If your keeping score at home, you can now add the name Millard to a list that includes Peterson, Bradford, Broyles, Gresham, and Nelson of players who had their Sooner careers ended prematurely due to injury.

Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Remember the last time the Oklahoma Sooners had two true freshman linebackers on the field at the same time?  Yeah, me neither.  The duo of Alexander and Evans combined with redshirt freshman Eric Striker is a terrific foundation for a bright future at linebacker. They are making some mistakes from time to time, but they can play.

Give Both Arms to Do That
Nice game by Gabe Lynn with 9 tackles and a pick. But Gabe has become a poster boy for one of my biggest pet peeves…the armless tackle. Why do defensive backs insist on tackling like they are in a strait jacket? This isn’t soccer!  There is no penalty for using your arms and hands...so wrap up, so I don't melt down.  Thank you

Not So Special Teams
Let’s start with the punt team.  Is there some new minimum weight requirement rule that a punt coverage team must adhere to that I don’t know about? If not, then why do we have three sumo wrestlers and a guy that looks like he has to go to the feed store to weigh himself out there trying to cover kicks? You would think that of the 85 guys on the team, there would be at least 10 who could both cover kicks and be able to tell you what a salad is. One of the deep protection guys could lose 25 pounds and knock a full second off his forty-time just by stopping into Super-Cuts. Seriously, if those are the best we got, then someone needs to get Floyd the barber and Jenny Craig on the phone because something has to change. If a punt returner gets past the first wave of guys all that is left between him and the goal line is four plates of biscuits and gravy and our disinterested punter. Not good. (I will talk about the Tech fake punt in tomorrow’s update…genius.)

One for Me, One for You
The Sooners win on Saturday was the first time in 8 seasons that someone has won 2 in a row. Which I guess makes the win twice as nice.

Texas Tech 725 Oklahoma 0
When it comes to who had the best tight, this was no contest. The Tech tight end is an All-American who came into the game already having 725 receiving yards. The OU tight end is just an American that zero receiving yards because we have instructed our QB's to only throw the ball to people that are actually in the game.
Want to find a way to help your young QB? Then get him a woobie, a pacifier, a teddy bear or some sort of security blanket...like a tight end. A young Jason White had Trent Smith. Redshirt frosh Sam Bradford had Jermaine Gresham. Landry Jones had…well, he had a bad porn ‘stach and some mobility issues…but I regress. Just get a tight end damn it!  

16 of 18
The Sooners ran the football on 16 of their last 18 plays. To be able to control the football and run the clock is how you win football games. Overall the Sooners ran the ball 50 times for 277 yards while throwing it 22 for 249. In my opinion, that is the kind of ratio that gives us the best chance to win right now.

8 of 15
A little over 50% on 3rd down conversion rate will take that every time.

8 for 55 = 6.9
Evidently, Roy Finch has gone from forgotten man to being the OU closer. All of Finch’s eight carries and 55 yards came during fourth quarter crunch time. Don’t get me wrong, I like Roy Finch. It has always puzzled me as to why the coaches haven’t found more ways to get him the ball during his career here. That being said, I find him to be a curious choice for this roll. You would think it better to pound the opposing defense with a bigger back whose running style will take its toll on a tired defense. Finch is a water bug not a bruiser. You would think his style of running would also be more susceptible to fumbling, but hey…I also thought OJ was guilty, so what the hell do I know.

Up Next...Part 2
"6 Yards Away From Shreveport"

Just one mildly interested guys opinion

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty


Thursday, October 24, 2013



Yawn.  Talk about your Texas game hangover.  I woke up Saturday morning and had to look and see what time the game started.  After the disappointing loss to the Longhorns combined with the dreadful opponent, I was about as interested in watching this game as I would be starting a diet...which evidently, is only slightly less interested than the Sooners were to play this game.

The first quarter and a half against Kansas last Saturday, was possibly the worst football this program has played in the Stoops era.  There are some good high school teams that could beat Kansas and that is not a joke.  Kansas has not won a Big 12 game since 2010, yet the Jayhawks came out and punched us in the mouth like it was a BCS Bowl Game.  How bad was it you didn't ask? Well, I will tell you anyway:

-Two minutes into the second quarter the Jayhawks had already rushed the football for more yards than they had averaged per game.
-The OU offense gained 23 yards on its first two opening possessions, including a three and out...with all three being pass plays.  With our current situation being what it is at QB...how does that happen? Our QB should rarely throw the ball period, much less three times in a row.  All that did was put our stunned defense back on the field before they were ready.
-D-Coordinator Mike Stoops and DL coach Jerry Montgomery got into a shouting match  on the sidelines and nearly came to blows, which wouldn't have been all bad.  A least a Sooner would have finally hit somebody.

But eventually the Jayhawks would be the Jayhawks and the Sooners would rally to win...but nonetheless, there are some very disturbing trends that need to be addressed...and addressed quickly.

I don't have much to say about the KU game...it was what it was, but I will touch on a couple high's and low's anyway.

The Good
-Give the Sooners credit for righting the ship on Saturday.  You can see why they would come out flat, but they sucked it up, refocused and got the job done.  If they had lost this game, the season would have spiraled down and out of control like it was Lamar Odom's carrer.
-The Jayhawks threw for 16 yards....16!  I don't care who you are playing, giving up only 48 feet of passing yards is pretty impressive.
-It was nice to see Roy Finch get some consistent playing time.  His 7 carries netted 56 yards.

The Bad
-They should start selling our defense at Duncan Donuts, because without DL Jordan Phillips and LB Corey Nelson, we got nothing but a big hole in middle.
-How can Blake Bell have 24 rushing TD's when he isn't the starting QB yet have the same number of rushing TD's as I do, which is zero, when he is the starting QB?
-Kicker Michael Hunnicutt shanked the extra point after the first OU touchdown...and along with it any chance he had at winning the Lou Groza award.  He was in the running for the award for the nations best kicker and deserved to be, but a missed extra point will not look good on the resume.
-Speaking of kickers...and I use the term loosely...our punter Jed Barrett found a new way to make sure he doesn't have to make any more feeble attempts to tackle opposing punt returners.  Just let the other team block it.  I am actually shocked that this hasn't happened already this year...I could make a sandwich in the time he takes to kick the ball after catching the snap from center.
-Why can't junior college All American defensive lineman Quincy Russell get on the field? With Jordan Phillips hurt, and Torrea Peterson suspended, we need bodies.  You can't tell me that he is still trying to get into shape...and if he doesn't know the scheme, then send him in there to just tie up some bodies and keep them off the linebackers.  Something is going on there and it can't be good.  If not, then get him the hell in the game.

The Ugly
Freshman RB Keith Ford may very well be our best running back.  He runs with downhill with speed and power and seems to have great vision.  But he has now laid the ball on the ground twice.  In case Ford doesn't understand what that second fumble meant for his playing time, I will help him with the math.  Ford + (2) Fumble = Finished

#11 took the ball and rolled to his right.  Quickly he stopped, planted his feet and then launched the football deep down the field.  The tight spiral hit Sterling Shepard in stride down the right sideline for a touchdown.  Finally, the Sooners were able to successfully incorporate the long passing game into their offensive arsenal.  It was by far the best deep pass thrown all season.  The ugly part is, #11 is Lacoltan Bester... and unfortunately, he plays wide receiver, not quarterback. 
I won't even get into things like: where the F*** was this play last week...or why did we have to resort to tricks to beat Kansas....I will instead just say this...
Until we find a QB that can throw the ball down the field with some consistency, no defense is going to respect our passing game.  Bell did connect on six straight passes over 10 yards at one point, but I'm going to need to see him do that against someone besides KU before I give full credit.

Because it was better than the game...
The Ohio State football team beat Iowa in Columbus on Saturday, but still got upstaged by the Buckeye Band. The band paid tribute to Michael Jackson on Saturday.  Fast forward to the out 3:55 mark in the video below and watch as they form his silhouette, bring out a white glove...and then moonwalk during their rendition of 'Billy Jean.' The whole thing was very impressive if you ask me.

Lawrence, Kansas
I will say this, if you ever get a chance to go to Lawrence, Kansas for a game, you should do it.  I didn't make it this year, but I have been before.  Lawrence is a great town, located about 41 miles from Kansas City (similar to Norman/OKC).  The place has a great atmosphere, fun bars and in October...the weather can be both beautiful and pleasant.  The OAS gives Lawrence two thumbs up!
Next up...Texas Tech Red Raiders
I'll be honest...I have no idea what is going to happen this Saturday when the undefeated Red Raiders hit town.  This OU team is struggling to find its identity and seems to have lost their confidence after the Longhorns gut punched them.  Norman is a tough place to win, but since Tech was the one who ended our home winning streak two years ago, they know they can win at our place.  The Sooners will have to find a way to stop the Tech running game, while establishing the run on offense.  This game will be a challenge and the outcome could determine which direction this team goes the rest of the season.

My prediction is that the Sooners give The OAS a late birthday present and find a way to win at home:

Oklahoma 23 Texas Tech 20

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Obviously, things did not go well for the Sooners in last Saturday's 108th edition of the Red River Rivalry.  OU was out played, out coached and out and out embarrassed by a below average Texas Longhorns football team.  There were so many dysfunctional things about the Sooners performance against Texas that I decided it would be best to take an extra day to think about what I witnessed.  Maybe that would keep me from being so negative and sounding like your typical over-reacting knee jerk fan.  Unfortunately, it didn't work.  Turns out, the only thing the extra time did was provide me additional opportunity to add to my list of points to second guess.  

But today I am going to mainly focus on what I thought was the key to the game...and then beat the shit out it.  Hey, its what I do.
The Offensive Game Plan
"Everybody has a plan 'till they get
punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson
The Texas Longhorn defense came into this game ranked as the second worst team in the state of Texas against the run.  That doesn't sound so bad, right?  Wrong.  The Longhorns are also the second worst team in all of America against the run, ranking an abysmal 117th out of the 118 Division I schools.  Let me say that last part again: one hundred and seventeenth.  If not for UTEP, who evidently is only using 8 guys on defense, the 230+ yards a game the Horns were giving up coming into Saturday, would have been the worst in the entire world.

Just to hammer this home, take a look at the following stats from three of the Horns early season opponents:
BYURushing Rank: 13th (33rd w/out Texas stats)
Rushing yards: 550/7.6 ypc / QB rushing yards: 259/17.2
BYU QB had runs of 68, 20 & 26 yards
Ole Miss: Rushing Rank: 62nd
Rushing Yards: 272 / 6.0 ypc / QB rush yards: 57 / 4.8 ypc
RB Scott has 164 yards

Iowa State: Rushing Rank 84th
Rushing yards vs UT: 201 / QB rushing yards: 83 / 4.9 ypc
RB Wimberley 117 yards
The schools that piled up these stats against Texas aren't exactly known as rushing juggernauts, but yet they ran right down the Longhorns throat.  BYU rushed for an amazing 550 yards against the Texas defense...Hell, I'm not even sure I go that far for vacation. 
Unless you are Ronnie Milsap, you might have also noticed that the QB's had more than average success running the football against the Horns.  Hmmm...
So you would think that the OU game plan would have been to come out and pound the football down the Longhorns throat right?  I mean, after all, we can do that now, right?   Didn't we hired a new o-line coach who spent an entire off-season reconditioning the body and mind of our offensive line?  We have a roster full of QB's who have proven to have more efficient legs than arms.  We possess a stable of above average running backs that gives us the ability to attack opponents in waves with talented fresh legs...not to mention the fact that we have a receiving corps that has shown they are capable of providing excellent downfield blocking. 
Granted, I am just an oversized, over-served guy sitting in section 103 of the upper deck, but the proper offensive approach to winning this ball game seemed pretty cut and dry to me:
Show up at the Cotton Bowl and put on those new jersey's that we evidently borrowed from Florida State for this game, watch the refs flip a coin, take the field...and then run the football over and over again like it was the 1970s. 
Then when the games over...we can all take turns dancing on the field wearing a gold cowboy hat trophy, plant a big OU flag at the 50 yard line, have Olin Mills take a team picture, eat a Fletchers Corny Dog...and then load our undefeated and top ten ranked asses onto a bus headed back to Norman. 
But what do I know
Instead...Not one single OU running back carried the ball more than seven times, this despite the fact that when they did carry it, they averaged over 5 yards a pop.  While other team's quarterbacks ran through the Texas defense like Grant went through Richmond, we called for our QB to run the ball a grand total of one time in the first half.
Maybe I could understand not utilizing the read option more or not getting Trevor Knight into the game, if Blake Bell was playing well....but he wasn't.  I will cover his inability to throw the ball downfield in a bit, but what was more concerning to me was his lack of poise.  I felt certain that playing well and winning on the road in South Bend would go a long way in calming him for his first Red River Rivalry start.  I was wrong. 
My cousin Chip and his wife Sara went to school at UT for some reason.
It looks like I have some work to do if I am going to somehow convince
their children Wyatt, Luke & Marshall not to do the same. 
Bell never looked settled, confident or relaxed.  The few times he ran the ball he did so tentatively.  He struggled with his progressions, often unable to locate the open receiver or missing them with the pass when he did.  Brennan Clay dropped what would have been a touchdown on the Sooners first possession, but that might have been Bell's last decent throw of the day.  His two INT's were absolutely horrific throws that were not only well off target, but delivered horribly late.  His first interception, which was returned by UT defensive lineman Chris Whaley, is a head scratcher.  How do you not notice a 6' 3" 295 pound guy dressed in orange standing only 15 yards away from you?  He was a flashing light short of being a human construction zone.  Sadly, Bell picked this opportunity to make his most accurate throw of the entire afternoon.  If there's such a thing as hitting a defensive lineman in 'full stride', Bell did it....then became the first player to greet Whaley after his touchdown when he gave him a bear hug at the OU goal line.
I could go on and on here...but I don't need to add carpel tunnel to my list of physical deficiencies.
In Other News...
Key Stat of the game: 3rd down conversions
Texas was 13 of 20, including a ridiculous 9 of 13 in the first half.  Conversely, the Sooners were 2 of 13 when face with 3rd down.  Tough to win a game when your defense can't get off the field and your offense can't stay on it.
Turn That Frown Upside Down
In an attempt to not be totally negative: Dominque Alexander had 19 tackles and Eric Striker had 16. The future looks bright at LB for the Sooners.
Damn Kickers
I have watched OU kickers and punters do some amazingly uncoordinated and un-athletic things over the years, but Jed Barnett's attempt to tackle Texas kick returner Daje Johnson on his 85 yard touchdown return may take the cake.  First of all, he is running like he is trying not to hurt the grass. Secondly, his effort tells me he would have just as soon quit the team right there at the forty yard line rather than have to actually try to tackle Johnson.  But that wasn't ever going to be an option anyway...I have seen better angles on a circle than the one he took in his attempt to 'run down' Johnson. I posted the video for those who might need an inspirational message about effort to share with their children.
 watch the effort @ the 00:33 mark of this video
In closing, it is my opinion that the Sooners came into the Texas game an exposed football team.  Gary Patterson and his Frogs may not have beaten the Sooners nine days ago in Norman, but they very well may have been the reason that Texas did this last Saturday.  Patterson's game plan against OU was the template the Horns used to render Blake Bell and the OU offense ineffective... and you can bet that every other team on the Sooners schedule will be using the same strategy going forward.

The loss was a big disappointment.  I wasn't under any allusion that this was a great OU football team, but getting beat by a below average Texas squad and out coached by a guy who will be unemployed soon...made this one of the most disappointing losses in the Stoops era.

It will be interesting to see where this OU team goes from here and who will be leading it when it arrives.  A Big 12 Conference championship is still out there to be had...but then again...so is an invitation to the New Era Pinstripe Bowl.

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty


The Not the Game Part  

"You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning" -Celia Rivenbark

It was just a strange day...but at least it started too early.

For the fifth time in the last six years, the game was selected to be broadcast nationally, which means kickoff once again was at 11 a.m.   Look, I have no problem having a cocktail or seven before McDonalds will even sell you a McRib combo, that's not really the issue.  Hell, I majored in that back in college.  The problem with the early kick is the limited window of time it provides for 90,000 people to arrive at Fair Park.  If you don't want to get caught up in bad traffic or for some reason you don't feel comfortable parking your Lexus in the front yard of a crack house located more than a mile or so from Big Tex...then you need to get to Fair Park by 8:30. Which we did.

But arriving early can also have its adventures.  The State Fair of Texas opens at 8:00 am on OU-Texas game day. Arriving by 8:30 will almost guarantee you the rare yet unwelcomed opportunity to observe how a few State Fair carnival employees spend their mornings.  It has been my experience that nothing will make you revisit your pop tart like watching a 'carney' and his significant other give each other spit baths prior to inserting their teeth. I just gotta say...if that doesn't make you want to floss, then nothing will.

Then there was the weather last Saturday....simply put, it sucked.  One minute it was nasty, humid and hot and then the next minute it was nasty, humid and miserably hot.  Saturday, with both the temperature and the humidity in the mid 80's, Fair Park felt like a giant deep fried crimson and orange tropical rain forest...except with a ferris wheel.  

Needless to say, it was even worse inside the Cotton Bowl.  Once wedged into my seat, I got to spend the next 3 1/2 hours sweating like Mike Tyson at a spelling bee and listening to 45,000 tea-sippers chant OU sucks.  God, I love college football....

But regardless of what time the game kicks off, what kind of weather must be endured or who wins; there is always one good thing I can count on at OU-Texas...and that is the people.

One of my favorite things about the weekend is getting to see some old friends who I haven't seen since the previous year...or maybe haven't seen in years.  Sometimes the game can feel like a mini reunion. 

 Like most, I find it hard to comprehend how fast the years are passing us by, stunned by the fact that it has now been 25 years since I somehow managed to graduate.  It may only be for a moment or two, but getting to see people like Jana Rae Love, Michelle Williams Davis and Rob Roberts (just to name a few) reminds me of how blessed I feel to have an annual event like OU-Texas that ties me to my past; a time and place to reminisce past memories all the while creating new ones.

The OU-Texas game is always fun, even when the Sooners lose, but the weekend is truly special...and that is something I will get up early and sweat all day long for...anytime.

Up Next:
Longhorns Answer the Bell

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty


Thursday, October 10, 2013


BIG TEX 2013
His name is Big Tex and he is one of the Lone Star State's most iconic images. A cultural ambassador for both the city of Dallas and the state of Texas, this tall Texan has been the official symbol of the State Fair of Texas since 1952.

The 2012 State Fair marked Big Tex's 60th year as the Fair Park center piece but before the sexagenarian celebration could commence, tragedy struck. Investigators cite an electrical short from within the 4 story fiberglass cowboy as the cause for the blaze...but regardless of how it started, Big Tex as we knew him was no longer.

They said they could rebuild him. They had the technology to make him bigger, stronger and even more fire retardant than ever before….and so they did. 

On September 26th, Big Tex 2.0 was unveiled during the 2013 State Fair opening ceremonies.  Recently the OAS was granted the opportunity to have a one on one visit with the Texas State Fair legend….here is how it went:

The OAS: Big Tex, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with me today. How are you my friend?
BIG TEX: Word up
The OAS: Excuse me?
BIG TEX: I said, word up
The OAS: Oh please. Word up…What's that all about? What happened to the traditional: 'Hoooowwwdee Foooollllks and welcome to the State Fair of Texas’ greeting that we’ve all come to know over the years?
BIG TEX: I think I got a little burnt out on that old school stuff. The new BT is gonna be a little more hip, more fresh, more gangsta.
The OAS: So you're BT now? Well, BT...Have you glanced at a mirror lately? You’re new look is hardly ‘gangsta.’
BIG TEX: I could be gangsta. Think of me as a four story Vanilla Ice.
The OAS: Vanilla Ice? (laughing) It’s hard to think Vanilla Ice, when what I see is more like Hee Haw Ice.   Dude, no offense, but you look like what could happen if someone down at the sperm bank mixed together Ron Howard and Alfalfa from Our Gang. Who was your artist, Aunt B?   I hate to be the one who breaks this news to you, but with the look you're throwing down you're about as gangsta as Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street.
BIG TEX: Just tryin’ to keep it real ‘my shizzle.’
The OAS: Don’t you mean ‘sizzle.’
BIG TEX:  Hey, that’s not funny. No fire jokes
The OAS: Oh, that reminds me…I’m recording this for my blog and need to put in a plug for my sponsors…you don’t mind do you?
BIG TEX: Go ahead my nizzle
The OAS: Today’s OAS Blog is brought to you by:
Duraflame: America's #1 Fire Log. ‘Start your fire with Duraflame’…and by Kingsford Charcoal: For a fire that is ready faster and burns longer, it's got to be Kingsford…and by Up in Smoke: The official smoke shop of the OAS Blog
BIG TEX: Is the fact that I was involved in a minor yet traumatic fire related incident last fall funny to you? Are you always so insensitive?  Do you always find humor in other peoples misfortune?
The OAS: 'Minor' fire related incident? Big Tex…you were…
BIG TEX: Please…call me BT
The OAS: Okay…whatever you say BT, but that was hardly a minor fire related incident.  In mere minutes, you went from being a larger than life Texas icon to the scrap heap. 
BIG TEX: Are we still talking about me…or did we transition to Mack Brown somehow and I just didn’t pick up on it?
The OAS: Funny, but we are still talking about you.
BIG TEX: You’re right, but it upsets me that there are people out there who think that the blaze that took me down was caused by some sort of internal electrical short.
The OAS: Well, that's what happened isn't it?

BIG TEX: No, not at all. In fact it had nothing to do with me at all. It was all former Texas Defensive Coordinator Manny Diaz’s fault.
The OAS: Come on BT. Nice try. Coach Diaz is getting blamed for a lot of things these days, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t the reason you caught on fire.
BIG TEX: Are you sure? He was in charge of the Longhorn defense and look how bad they've been getting scorched.
The OAS: Funny...you're on fire with these jokes.
BIG TEX: Again with the fire humor
The OAS: My point is, just because the Texas defense hasn't been playing well doesn’t mean he lit you up.   Besides, if you are looking for a good defense...Manny Diaz might not be the guy you want to choose. It didn’t work out to well for Mack Brown.
BIG TEX: Good point my nizzle.
The OAS: Quit saying that…You’re creeping me out.
BIG TEX:   Okay, so it wasn't Manny's fault, but in all seriousness…it wasn’t my fault either.
The OAS: Then what happened?
BIG TEX: The people from the State Fair food court tried to deep fry me. That's what they do here at the State Fair of Texas.  They fry everything.  First it was deep fried bacon and then it was butter. Hell, they even tried to deep fry beer.  I knew after that it was just a matter of time until they came after me.
The OAS: Alright...whatever you say...let's move on.
BT, take us back to the beginning...where and when did all this Big Tex stuff get started for you.
BIG TEX:  The first time all my pieces were put into place was in Kerens, Texas back in 1949.   Funny thing is, and not many people know this, but originally I was a forty-nine foot paper-mache Santa Claus, not a cowboy.

The OAS:   So what happened to your gig as Big St. Nick?
BIG TEX: After two years the novelty of having a giant Santa standing around wore off on the locals and I was purchased by Texas State Fair President R.L. Thornton for $750 and moved to Fair Park.
The OAS: How did that go? Were you well received in and around Fair Park?
BIG TEX: Well received? I was about as popular as a police lineup.
The OAS: Why was that?
BIG TEX: Turns out the woman in the area didn't care to have some oversized white guy in a red suit standing around blurting out ho, ho, ho every 15 minutes. Said they didn't need another pimp in the area, especially one my size. Said if they didn't get rid of me that somebody was gonna, and I quote, "Put a cap in my large white Santa Claus ass."
The OAS: Never heard of someone threatening to shoot Santa before. Tough crowd.
BIG TEX: I doubt Santa ever spent a June evening hanging out near Fair Park expressing a sentiment that could be mistakenly interpreted as a disparaging remark about the morals of the local female populace.
The OAS: Good point...and eloquently articulated I might add.  So then what happened?
BIG TEX:  The powers that be decided to transform me into a cowboy for the State Fair that year.  That was 1952 and I have been Big Tex ever since. 
The OAS:  Tell me what the OU/Texas fans coming out this weekend should expect to hear from the new BT and please tell me that there it is something besides the gangsta b.s. you are throwing down.
BIG TEX: I am capable of saying a lot more things than I could before.  The final touches are being worked out here in the eleventh hour...but I can give you a few examples:

"Hey fat girl over in the turkey leg line;
haven't you already had two of those?"
"Smoking is strictly prohibited within 200 feet of me.  Violators will receive a size 70 boot in their ass"
...and my personal favorite...
"Fire Mack Brown, not Big Tex"
The OAS: Those are all very interesting public service messages.  Good luck with that.  Hey listen, before we go BT...let's talk a little football.  Anything you have to share?
BIG TEX: One interesting fact is that since I arrived in 1952 the two teams are 29-29-3
The OAS:  So do you have a favorite between the two schools?
BIG TEX: No, no...I just want to see a good ballgame and hope that nobody gets hurt.
The OAS: That is kind of hard to believe...I mean this is the Texas State Fair after all...you can't tell me that you don't at least lean toward the Longhorns
BIG TEX: Please don't say lean...that's not funny either.
The OAS:  Sorry...but if you had to pick one side; you would have to go with your home state team wouldn't you?
BIG TEX: I guess...but I have always rooted more for the players than the schools.  Some of my favorites players are from Texas are: Cotton Speyrer, Eric Metcalf, Colt McCoy and Ox Eckhardt.  From Oklahoma my favorites are Reggie Barnes and Leon 'Mule Train' Heath...and of course Buster Rhymes who later went on to became a famous rapper
The OAS: Hate to burst your rapper bubble, but  I think the rapper you are talking about is Busta Rhymes, not the former OU wideout Buster Rhymes
BIG TEX: My bad, my shizzle
The OAS: Right.  Anything else?
BIG TEX: Well...off the record...I will tell you this...I like the Oklahoma Sooners colors much more than I do the Longhorn's.
The OAS:  Really...a fan of the crimson and cream are you?
BIG TEX:   Not so much that I like crimson and cream...but more the fact that I'm just not a fan of burnt orange.  Know what I mean?
The OAS: Got ya.  Thanks for your time BT....see ya on Saturday for the 31st straight year.
BIG TEX: word to your mother

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Monday, October 7, 2013


TCU 17

This blog is dedicated to the memory of Cindy Johnson.  Cindy, wife of Oklahoma director of football operations Merv Johnson; mother of Jan (my fraternity big-sister), Jeff (my fraternity brother) and Jill (a friend who tragically passed back in 2000); and mother in law to Mike Burr (a fraternity brother who has always been like a big brother to me) passed away on Sunday night due to complications from a stroke. 
Cindy always had a welcoming tone in her voice, a smile on her face and the unique ability to make everyone around her feel special.  Whenever I saw Cindy she would always say to me: "Buddy Putty, you better get over here and give me a hug."  Which was always followed by "Buddy Putty, are you using that twinkle in your eyes for good or for evil these days?" A question she undoubtedly already knew the answer to.
That twinkle was replaced by a flood of tears today when I heard the news that Cindy had passed away.  My thoughts and prayers go out to Merv, Jan, Jeff, Mike and the rest of their extended family. 
The Sooner Nation lost a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, friend and fan on Sunday...moreover the world lost a wonderful person.  I feel lucky and honored that our paths crossed in life.  Cindy Johnson was special and every time I was around her she made me feel the same...and that's a feeling that would put a twinkle in anyone's eyes. 

Did you know that a Horned Frog is not really a frog or a toad at all?  It is actually part of the lizard family. The name Horned Frog comes from the lizard's rounded body and blunt snout, which make it resemble a toad or frog. The spines on its back and sides are made from modified scales, whereas the horns on the heads are true horns.  I know this to be true because Wikipedia says so.
The Horned Frog, or lizard as it may be, is able to squirt an aimed stream of blood from the corners of its eyes for a distance of up to five feet.  They do this by restricting the blood flow leaving the head, thereby increasing blood pressure and rupturing tiny vessels around the eyelids.

I don't understand why this type creature would be picked to be the mascot of a major university.  My second ex-wife could do the same thing, but you don't see her picture on both sides of anybody's helmets do you?  Just sayin. 

Now THAT, was football weather!  It wasn't 106 in the shade.  I didn't feel like I was walking on the surface of the sun.  I could walk around campus or to the stadium without sweating so much that it looked like I had just showered but smelling like I hadn't ever.  It was a beautiful day and night that helped make for a much more football like atmosphere. 

Tip of the hat to all the TCU fans that made the trip.  Hope you were treated well and enjoyed game day in Norman.
Jasen, Trevor & The OAS enjoy the pre-game
tailgate and the football like weather last

Coming off of an emotional road win against Notre Dame and with Texas on deck, much was made last week about how this game looked like a 'trap' game.  Look, it would be hard to argue that if your schedule has you playing the Sooners in Norman, this past Saturday was probably as good a spot as any to catch us.  But that being said, Gary Patterson and his TCU Horned Frogs are capable of beating anyone, anytime and anywhere regardless of who that team just played or is about to play.   OU has always struggled with Patterson and his Frogs, a factor which may have actually helped the Sooners focus this past week.  As the 20-17 final score would indicate, the Sooners had their hands full...but played just well enough to win. 

"I don't think that's happened with anyone I've been a part of" - OU head coach Bob Stoops

The OU defense pitched the equivalent of a no-hitter in the first half Saturday night.  In seven first half possessions the TCU offense failed to pick up a first down and managed only 16 yards total offense.  When TCU got a first down on their second drive of the third quarter, it ended a streak of 10 consecutive series that the Sooners defense had held the opposing offense without a first down (including the last two series against Notre Dame). Impressive stuff.

It was disappointing that the OU offense didn't play well enough in the first half to put TCU away, but a very good Frog defensive unit had a big say as to why that didn't happen.  The problem is, if you let a Patterson coached team hang around, there is a good chance it might come back to haunt you...the Sooners almost found that out the hard way on Saturday night.

An OU tight end touched the ball in a game for the first time this season Saturday...but not in a good way. When TCU executed and then recovered their 3rd quarter on-side kick, it was OU tight end Brannon Green that the ball bounced off of at the OU 35 yard line. The play was a double whammy for special teams coach Jay Boulware...turns out that coach B is also the tight ends coach. 

I knew that the TCU defensive secondary, featuring first team All-American senior cornerback Jason Verrett, was good...but I had no idea they were that good.  Their coverage of our receivers was impressive, but what they really did well was limit the yards after catch.  It was obvious that they didn't feel Bell was capable of beating them deep, so they cheated up to take away the short passing game.

The great coverage had a visible effect on Bell.  The good news is that at 6' 6" and 250 lbs. Bell can stand in the pocket and go through his progressions a little longer than most, because he can still see down field when the rush is starting to close it on him.   But that also means he is prone to holding on to the football longer than he should instead of throwing it away or maybe even tucking it and trying to run.  That can lead to sacks, which happened twice Saturday night against the Frogs. 

When he gets sacked it is easy to say he should have thrown it away or run with it...but the luxury of having someone who can stand in there longer than most has huge upside.  At the college level, more times than not, someone is going to break open...especially with a receiving corps as talented as OU's. 

The most important thing, regardless of whether he stands in pocket or throws it away, is that he doesn't try to force the ball somewhere...which he hasn't tried to do.  Since Bell has taken over, the offense has yet to turn the ball over...and you can't ask for more than that.

With the game on the line, the Sooners offensive line came through.  With TCU playing the run, the o-line was able to spring Brennan Clay loose for 76 yards and a touchdown.  Then after TCU scored to make it interesting, the offensive line opened a enough space for Blake Bell to slip through for consecutive first down carries that iced the game.  It speaks well for the conditioning and heart of this group when you can move the ball on the ground at crunch time against a defense that knows you're trying to do just such.

The hard earned 20-17 victory over TCU moves the Sooners to 5-0 for the season...and makes preparation for Saturday's Red River Rivalry all that much sweeter.  Everything the Sooners set out to play for this season is still out there to be had....next up....it's time to talk about Texas! 

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Over the past few seasons, the Sooners have played in their fair share of games like the one last Saturday, where an impact play (or plays) occurred within minutes or even seconds of the opening kickoff.  Watching the Sooners create and cash in on the early opportunities against the Irish was a very pleasant change in fortune...because when it comes to games involving sudden impact moments, the Sooners have been more the bug than the windshield since 2010.

Memorial Stadium / Columbia Missouri
#1 Oklahoma vs #11 Missouri

The ref blows his whistle and points at the guy we call our kicker, Patrick O'Hara.  Patrick nods back at the ref like they share some sort of secret and then starts his half jog, half hop-scotch approach to the football.  With the wind at his back, O'Hara launches a fat, fluttering shank of a kick that wobbles end over end into the Missouri sky like a wounded duck.  The ball splats down around the Tigers 14 yard line where it takes one lazy bounce into the arms of Gahn McGaffie.  Eighty-six yards later, McGaffie whose first name is pronounced like John but spelled G-a-h-n, is standing in the OU end-zone...probably introducing himself to his fellow Missouri teammates.
Elapsed Time 14 secondsMissouri 7 Oklahoma 0

Game Result:  The Sooners never recovered from the slow start and would go on to lose 36-27 to the Tigers.  As a result of the loss, the Oklahoma Sooners #1 ranking was now long gahn...pronounced like gone, but spelled g-a-h-n.

Kyle Field / College Station, TX
#8 Oklahoma vs Texas A&M

On the first play from scrimmage at the A&M 12 yard line, OU center Ben Habern launches the shot-gun snap over the head of QB Landry Jones.  Before Jones could catch up to it and do something really stupid, the ball rolls out of the back of the end zone for a safety. Freshman Aggie Cadets looked at their dates with confusion, not sure whether the 2 points the Aggies got for the safety qualifies for a kiss.  The OU offense looks at Ben Habern with confusion because it is usually Landry's fault when the defense scores.

Elapsed Time 9 seconds: Texas A&M 2 Oklahoma 0

Game Result:  The first play from scrimmage would be a precursor for the rest of the night.  The Sooners were a comedy of errors the entire game in route to a 33-19 loss.

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium / Norman, OK
#3 Oklahoma vs Texas Tech
"And just like that, Texas Tech offense strikes" - Ron Franklin, ESPN
Tech returns the kickoff to almost mid-field.  On the second play from scrimmage, the Red Raiders run a slip screen.  The name was appropriate, because Tech wide-out Alex Torres slips inside and through the Sooner defense, going untouched 55 yards for the score.  A violent storm delayed the opening kickoff, but there was no pause in the Red Raiders cause.
Elapsed Time 68 seconds: Texas Tech 7 Oklahoma 0
Game Result: The Sooners would come back on the next drive to tie the score at 7-7...but OU didn't play well all night, eventually losing to the Red Raiders 41-38. The loss ended what had been the nation's longest home winning streak at 39 games.
Cowboys Stadium / Dallas, TX
#12 Oklahoma vs #10 Texas A&M
On the 6th play of the game, Johnny Manziel zigzags his way down the far sideline and into the OU end zone.  The Sooners defense was easy pickin's for Maziel and the Aggies, as he rushed for a Cotton Bowl record 229 yards and two touchdowns.
Elapsed Time 2:32: Johnny Football 7 Oklahoma  0
Game Result:  Ugly.  Halftime score: 14-13 Aggies.  Aggies come out of locker room to score 27 unanswered second half points and route Oklahoma 41-13
Notre Dame Stadium / South Bend, Indiana
#14 Oklahoma vs #22 Notre Dame
A Sooner defensive player blitzes off the corner, blindsiding the opposing QB just as he was attempting to throw. The ball flutters into the arms of a Sooner linebacker who rumbles untouched into the end zone for an Oklahoma touchdown.  Sound familiar?  Of course it does, it happened only four days ago.  Okay, maybe the play was a little reminiscent of the play Roy Williams made against Texas in 2001...but this time it was Eric Striker on the blitz and Corey Nelson on the catch and run for six. 
Elapsed Time 49 seconds: Oklahoma 7 Notre Dame 0
But there was more...One play after NBC had returned from promoting Ford trucks and remedies for erectile dysfunction, Oklahoma LB Frank Shannon intercepts a pass that was deflected by Aaron Colvin at midfield and returns it 17 yards to the Irish 32 yard line.  Four plays later Damien Williams is standing in the Irish end zone.
Total elapsed Time 2:45: Oklahoma 14 Notre Dame 0
Game Result:  As you know the Sooners held off the Irish for 35-21 victory.
It would be hard to under estimate how important that early lead was for the Sooners last Saturday....All I know is that's the kind of sudden impact this Sooner fan could really get use too.
Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy
The Overweight Armchair Sooner
Buddy Putty

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