Thursday, October 24, 2013



Yawn.  Talk about your Texas game hangover.  I woke up Saturday morning and had to look and see what time the game started.  After the disappointing loss to the Longhorns combined with the dreadful opponent, I was about as interested in watching this game as I would be starting a diet...which evidently, is only slightly less interested than the Sooners were to play this game.

The first quarter and a half against Kansas last Saturday, was possibly the worst football this program has played in the Stoops era.  There are some good high school teams that could beat Kansas and that is not a joke.  Kansas has not won a Big 12 game since 2010, yet the Jayhawks came out and punched us in the mouth like it was a BCS Bowl Game.  How bad was it you didn't ask? Well, I will tell you anyway:

-Two minutes into the second quarter the Jayhawks had already rushed the football for more yards than they had averaged per game.
-The OU offense gained 23 yards on its first two opening possessions, including a three and out...with all three being pass plays.  With our current situation being what it is at does that happen? Our QB should rarely throw the ball period, much less three times in a row.  All that did was put our stunned defense back on the field before they were ready.
-D-Coordinator Mike Stoops and DL coach Jerry Montgomery got into a shouting match  on the sidelines and nearly came to blows, which wouldn't have been all bad.  A least a Sooner would have finally hit somebody.

But eventually the Jayhawks would be the Jayhawks and the Sooners would rally to win...but nonetheless, there are some very disturbing trends that need to be addressed...and addressed quickly.

I don't have much to say about the KU was what it was, but I will touch on a couple high's and low's anyway.

The Good
-Give the Sooners credit for righting the ship on Saturday.  You can see why they would come out flat, but they sucked it up, refocused and got the job done.  If they had lost this game, the season would have spiraled down and out of control like it was Lamar Odom's carrer.
-The Jayhawks threw for 16 yards....16!  I don't care who you are playing, giving up only 48 feet of passing yards is pretty impressive.
-It was nice to see Roy Finch get some consistent playing time.  His 7 carries netted 56 yards.

The Bad
-They should start selling our defense at Duncan Donuts, because without DL Jordan Phillips and LB Corey Nelson, we got nothing but a big hole in middle.
-How can Blake Bell have 24 rushing TD's when he isn't the starting QB yet have the same number of rushing TD's as I do, which is zero, when he is the starting QB?
-Kicker Michael Hunnicutt shanked the extra point after the first OU touchdown...and along with it any chance he had at winning the Lou Groza award.  He was in the running for the award for the nations best kicker and deserved to be, but a missed extra point will not look good on the resume.
-Speaking of kickers...and I use the term loosely...our punter Jed Barrett found a new way to make sure he doesn't have to make any more feeble attempts to tackle opposing punt returners.  Just let the other team block it.  I am actually shocked that this hasn't happened already this year...I could make a sandwich in the time he takes to kick the ball after catching the snap from center.
-Why can't junior college All American defensive lineman Quincy Russell get on the field? With Jordan Phillips hurt, and Torrea Peterson suspended, we need bodies.  You can't tell me that he is still trying to get into shape...and if he doesn't know the scheme, then send him in there to just tie up some bodies and keep them off the linebackers.  Something is going on there and it can't be good.  If not, then get him the hell in the game.

The Ugly
Freshman RB Keith Ford may very well be our best running back.  He runs with downhill with speed and power and seems to have great vision.  But he has now laid the ball on the ground twice.  In case Ford doesn't understand what that second fumble meant for his playing time, I will help him with the math.  Ford + (2) Fumble = Finished

#11 took the ball and rolled to his right.  Quickly he stopped, planted his feet and then launched the football deep down the field.  The tight spiral hit Sterling Shepard in stride down the right sideline for a touchdown.  Finally, the Sooners were able to successfully incorporate the long passing game into their offensive arsenal.  It was by far the best deep pass thrown all season.  The ugly part is, #11 is Lacoltan Bester... and unfortunately, he plays wide receiver, not quarterback. 
I won't even get into things like: where the F*** was this play last week...or why did we have to resort to tricks to beat Kansas....I will instead just say this...
Until we find a QB that can throw the ball down the field with some consistency, no defense is going to respect our passing game.  Bell did connect on six straight passes over 10 yards at one point, but I'm going to need to see him do that against someone besides KU before I give full credit.

Because it was better than the game...
The Ohio State football team beat Iowa in Columbus on Saturday, but still got upstaged by the Buckeye Band. The band paid tribute to Michael Jackson on Saturday.  Fast forward to the out 3:55 mark in the video below and watch as they form his silhouette, bring out a white glove...and then moonwalk during their rendition of 'Billy Jean.' The whole thing was very impressive if you ask me.

Lawrence, Kansas
I will say this, if you ever get a chance to go to Lawrence, Kansas for a game, you should do it.  I didn't make it this year, but I have been before.  Lawrence is a great town, located about 41 miles from Kansas City (similar to Norman/OKC).  The place has a great atmosphere, fun bars and in October...the weather can be both beautiful and pleasant.  The OAS gives Lawrence two thumbs up!
Next up...Texas Tech Red Raiders
I'll be honest...I have no idea what is going to happen this Saturday when the undefeated Red Raiders hit town.  This OU team is struggling to find its identity and seems to have lost their confidence after the Longhorns gut punched them.  Norman is a tough place to win, but since Tech was the one who ended our home winning streak two years ago, they know they can win at our place.  The Sooners will have to find a way to stop the Tech running game, while establishing the run on offense.  This game will be a challenge and the outcome could determine which direction this team goes the rest of the season.

My prediction is that the Sooners give The OAS a late birthday present and find a way to win at home:

Oklahoma 23 Texas Tech 20

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

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