Monday, September 19, 2016


"You can't drink all day, if you don't start in the morning" - Celia Rivenbark

McKnight and I pulled out of Fort Worth at 9:30 AM…then used the two-and-a-half-hour drive to Norman as an opportunity to catch up on each other’s life. Basically, I sat quietly as he spoke about his day-to-day life with a wife, 4 kids and a career, followed by him sitting quietly while I spoke about how I couldn’t comprehend his day-to-day life with a wife, 4 kids and a career.

One of the reasons for our early arrival was to attend a tailgate event at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house, a place where McKnight and I were members and lived some 30 years ago...which sadly, might also be the last time anyone has bothered putting a coat of paint on the walls.  While seeing the condition of the 'shelter' was disappointing - it was good to see some people that I hadn’t seen in quite a while - like Jeff Johnson and his family, and pledge brothers Brant Allegretti and Mark Miller, just to name a few.
Outside Delt House at OU
 before Mekong Party in fall of 1984-
My freshman year

Just in case standing around the Delt house didn’t make me feel old – witnessing first-hand how many of my friend’s kids were now attending OU certainly did.  Wow, I couldn’t even point out how 'hot' some co-ed was in fear that it was the daughter of one of my friends…So instead, I just thought it quietly to myself.  Hey – progress is progress.

Speaking of hot - until the storm hit - I felt like I was standing on the surface of the sun all day.  Not exactly an ideal setting for the OAS.

Next we hurried over to Campus Corner.  You know it’s a big game when the parking lot reserved for donors is already full at 2:00 for a game that doesn’t kick off until 6:30. The only spot left in the lot was a handicap spot – but since I felt that would accurately describe my condition later in the day – I took it.  I know, I know…I’m going to hell, but it’s not like I won’t know anyone when I get there.

Funnel Clouds moved kick-off
from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Styx, McKnight, KT, Fast Eddie, Fricks and I spent the next five hours roaming between Fuzzy’s (of which McKnight is part owner)– the Humble tailgate - & the Coleman-Cox-Ross-Wheeler tailgate.  (Thank you to all of the just mentioned people for the food – adult beverages – and a place to enjoy both).  Yes, due to the weather delay that moved kickoff back from 6:30 to 8 PM – the pre-game festivities lasted 5 hours – actually 6 hours if you throw in the time spent at the frat house.  To the defense of our group - the extra hour and a half of drinking time was not taken into effect when originally planning the alcohol ration – so the fact that we all ceased being adults before the game even started - wasn’t really our fault (at least that’s our story and we’re sticking to it.)  Maybe the best moment of the day was when Styx got to have his picture made with the Mini-James Brown...complete with Styx screaming "I feel good" right before I took the picture. 
Styx with Mini-James Brown before game

But unfortunately, “I feel good” was a feeling that wouldn’t last that long once the game started.



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