Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Season 5, Intro Edition

Welcome to season five of The Overweight Armchair Sooner. For anyone new to The OAS, this is nothing more than a personal blog or journal. Started in 2005 and distributed to all of 20 people, I figured it might last a week…now sites are offering me money to advertise on it. Crazy. Built around my passion (some would argue obsession) for Oklahoma Sooner football, this blog is an attempt to express my emotions and write about two things I love...OU football and me. Cheaper than therapy, this is a place where I can go and try to make myself (and hopefully others) laugh. Where I can rant and rave or maybe just get away from life for a while. Amazingly or sadly, depending on your outlook…my life seems to have no problem providing an endless supply of material from which to work with…and in the rare instance that the actual occurrence wasn’t enough… The OAS is not above a little embellishment.

For those who have been around for a while, thank you. Your support, feedback, criticism and accolades have made this one of the most rewarding and enlightening things I have ever done. Last year, real life got in the way and I stopped making time for this journal. That was a mistake. Making time for what makes us happy is an important part of life…at least for me anyway.

Yes, I am no doubt obsessed with OU football. Is the obsession over the top? Probably. I will poke some fun at that in Issue 1 tomorrow, but explain while I am not ashamed of it in Issue 2 the following day.

Thanks again to all. I look forward to seeing everyone in Dallas for the BYU game...looks like we have a chance to be really good again.

Boomer Sooner

Buddy Putty
The Overweight Armchair Sooner

If you received this, then obviously you are on my email list. If you know of anyone that you think might like to receive The OAS, please forward me their email. If you have an alternate email you would rather I use, let me know….and also…in all seriousness…If you do not want to receive updates this year, for whatever the reason, I understand… please let me know, and I will remove you from the list.

I will also be posting a link on Facebook when new updates are ready…I also plan to start circulating a “Fan of the Overweight Armchair Sooner” link on Facebook as well…as soon as I figure out how. If you know of any other way for me to self-promote, I am always open. It’s all about me!

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