Thursday, October 29, 2009

Texas 16 Oklahoma 13
Injuries, Turnovers, Penalties…A Familiar Formula for Defeat

The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful” – Jimmy Buffett

The weather was gorgeous. The football game…well, not so much.

Can we talk about this 11 AM kickoff thing? AM kickoffs suck. A college football game of this magnitude should not kickoff at the same time that other networks are airing the likes of Speed Racer and Hong Kong Phooey. Look, I don’t mind having a warm Lone Star and a pop tart while Big Tex is still in his feety jammies…but it would be nice if I had time to identify and apologize to those I offended on Friday night, before I do it again on Saturday. I’m just sayin’.

The 2009 most talked about food at the State Fair? Fried butter. Not even The OAS would eat that. Seriously, fried butter? Wow

Despite the early start time, The OAS was in rare form for this one. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I was…how do I say this…well, in this rare of form. I guess I was excited to get to the game, because I forgot to turn the car off completely…which I guess was convenient, because it made it a lot easier for me to leave the keys in the ignition. The car was miraculously still there when we returned, but needless to say the battery was a little tired.

Thankfully, Blake and Sally were also leaving when we were and had jumper cables. Unfortunately, Sally also had video capability on her camera and caught a rather unfortunate moment I had with the parking lot attendant and his orange flag. I will attach the link if I can figure out how. (See attached link)

I forgot to eat until it was way too late. Usually I am good for one or two pork chop sandwiches before the game, which can be a good base…but unless it was liquid and came out of a flask or a wax plastic cup, I didn’t bother with it this year.

I forgot to pace myself…for the OU/Texas game I always take two flasks, one for the first half, and one for the second…and then pray there is no overtime. With 6 minutes to go in the second quarter I was well into flask number two…not good for me, not good for those with me, not good for those around me…hell…it was just not good.

I forgot to not let idiots get to me…A Texas fan pushed me while I was standing at the urinal in the bathroom. He laughed, I didn’t. Suffice to say, what happened next wasn’t pretty. The good news was that after a semi-lengthy speech from the “bathroom cop” I got to continue watching the game from my seat inside the Cotton Bowl and not one inside the Dallas County Jail.

The Game

Sooners come out of the locker room and dominated everywhere but the scoreboard. Their small 6-0 lead evaporates due to injuries, mistakes, turnovers, penalties, poor coaching decisions, inability to score inside the red zone and missed field goals. Sound familiar? Same thing has happened in all four of the games that OU has lost in 2009 (don’t forget the Orange Bowl in January). I find it strange that that a perennial BCS bowl team is trying to learn how to win…team leaders or coaching?

OU kicker…Jimmy Stevens. The nicest thing I can say about our field goal kicker is that he is not dependable. Anything outside of 30 yards is anybody’s guess. He clanked one off the upright that luckily went thru. The Texas fans thought he had missed the second one, and by his reaction, he did too. His third one did miss…and the Sooners lost by three. In my opinion it is time to give Tress Way a chance to do the place kicking. At least then when I yell,”No f****** Way” it will be as accurate as it is offensive. F****** kickers.

There is never going to be many, if any, sentimental moments between OU and Texas fans…but sometimes the lack of respect for each other really crosses the line. There will always be some morons, regardless of team affiliation, that cheer injury…but I was shocked by the roar that came from the orange end of the Cotton Bowl when Bradford went down. The reaction was completely classless and reprehensible….and believe me if the situation was reversed I would be saying the same thing about our fans.

Can someone make a play? Somebody,anybody?

The difference between winning and losing can often come down to a single play or two. As was the case in the previous two losses this season, the Sooners just could not seem to make a game changing play when the opportunity presented itself…and the opportunities were definitely there. Here are just a couple of plays that stand out.

*Score if you have too. DeMarco Murray needs to find a way to get into the end zone on that screen pass during the first drive. The Sooners offense has little confidence in the red zone these days; if he takes that play to the house it makes a big difference. I hate to join the Kevin Wilson lynch mob…but in my opinion…the play calling inside the 10 yard line after Murray failed to score was predictably horrible.

*Catch and release program. Keenan Clayton dropped not one, but two interceptions…both times he would have easily scored IF he makes the catch. If…if a frog had wings he wouldn’t bust his ass every time he jumped.

* Don’t be afraid to bust a move. Brian Jackson makes great INT, but can’t elude the only thing between him and the end-zone….QB McCoy. Look, I know it is easy for a guy sitting in the stands drinking an adult beverage to say…but it looked like all he had to do was make a cut. Maybe I am wrong and McCoy just made a great play, but I would be willing to bet that BJ would like that one back.

Things that make you say hmmm or maybe worse…

*Ghost of Mark Bradley. Dom Franks decision to try and field the punt in the first quarter was very reminiscent of Mark Bradley’s flub in the 2005 Orange Bowl. If it was in the middle of the field, then maybe you write it off to he was trying to makes something happen…but he had a Horn bearing down on him and he was pinned to the sidelines. While it was not the complete change in momentum avalanche that Bradley’s gaff created, it was a key factor.

*Wishbone R.I.P. Oklahoma had -16 yards rushing…yes that’s right…negative 16 yards. That means that I had 16 more yards rushing than the Sooners.

*Dubious achievement. No other returning Heisman winning QB has ever been knocked out of two different games in one season…until now. Not exactly the kind of achievement an offensive line wants to be remembered for.

*Not so handy. Landry Jones can’t make a simple hand-off to DeMarco Murray…the result is a fumble inside the Texas red-zone. The fumbled exchange cost the Sooners, at minimum, a chance to miss another field goal.

*Much Madu about something. Madu’s fumble of the kickoff after the first Longhorns field goal was a killer. Sooners would have had decent field position and a chance to re-establish momentum. The sound you just heard was the contents of flask two being poured over ice.

*That’s my line. The OAS: “Either (a) I’m drunk, or (b) that is Brody Eldridge at right guard” Terry: “how about (c)…all of the above”

*Picture on a Milk Carton…Travis Lewis? Lewis? Anyone seen Travis Lewis? TL had an uncharacteristically quite day.

*Reach out and touch someone. I don’t understand why Ryan Broyles only touched the ball one time? Considering he scored the only Sooner TD the one time he got to hold the ball, I might have found a chance to let him try it again. Just me.

*Help me understand. Can someone please explain the WR rotation to me? Did D. Miller miss the team bus?

What I think I know from what I think I saw:

*In the name of full disclosure, let me state for the record that I am not a Brent Venables fan…but that being said, I thought his defensive game plan for Texas was brilliant. I noticed not just one, but several blitz packages that were either new or seldom used before. This is a good defense…but a defense that has not been able to make a pivotal stop or make a game changing play in close games. Saturday, this unit was stellar…they played with heart and passion and continually came up big no matter the situation they were put in….still though, the difference in good and great is the ability to change the outcome when given the opportunity…this defense is about 5 dropped INT’s from having good replaced with the word great.

In my opinion, the Longhorns are a very good football team, but not a great football team. Since the Big 12 is way down, they should win out…which should put them in the title game. An objective Horns fan would agree with me that they have some weaknesses and need to improve, which they certainly have time to do.

Colt McCoy did not have a good day. Yes, he got his team a win, but very easily could have cost them the same. He is not having the type season most thought he would and Saturday probably ended any Colt McCoy for Heisman conversations. That being said, even as a Sooner fan, Colt McCoy is the kind of kid you can’t help but root for. He is a class act on and off the field...Plain and simple, the kid is a winner.

Post Game

We made it to the post game “spot”…took the annual group picture…but that was about it for The OAS.

Dallas Police Officer to The OAS: “You can leave on your own, or my partner and I would be glad to assist you….it’s your call.” And just like that 2009 OU/Texas was over.

It is no secret that this is my favorite weekend of the year. While the game is important, the chance to spend some time with friends is what I love most about OU/Texas. It was good to see everyone…Boomer

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Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

Buddy Putty

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

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