Thursday, September 5, 2013


Following the touchback, the ball is brought out to the 25 yard line where it will be first and ten, Oklahoma. Trevor Knight, the redshirt freshman from Ronald Reagan High School in San Antonio leads the Sooner offense onto the field.  Knight calls the signals from 5 yards deep in the shot-gun, Millard goes in motion to his left, the ball is snapped, Knight hands off to Brennan Clay...Clay is tackled near the line-of-scrimmage for no gain, that will bring up second and ten....And so begins the Trevor Knight era.  

If you were looking for some kind of flashy, exciting and memorable first play from scrimmage, then chances are you were disappointed.  A hand-off up the middle has about as much pizzazz and sex appeal as a pair of granny panties, but one play does not a season or career make.

But sometimes, excitement is in the eye of the beholder. That play for no gain kind of gave me chicken skin.  At the risk of going all Steel Magnolia's or Beaches on you...The OAS is an emotional Fried Green Tomato when it comes to college football.  As much as I love watching the Jason White's and Billy Sims of the world, there is something equally as cool wondering whether 10 years from now I will be talking about the night I saw Trevor Knight play his first game as a Sooner. 

One of my favorite things about the college game is the changing of the guard...the new names, faces and stories that come to life every year when the calendar flips over to September.  Trevor Knight might be the Sooners QB for the next four years, or the next four quarters; but either way it is kind of cool watching a kid realize his dream.  I can't pretend to know what must have been going through #9's mind as he led the offense out on to Owen Field.  But I know what would have been going through pregame meal.
Now that we have concluded the 'On Golden Pond' portion of the presentation....let's break down Trevor Knight's first game performance like he was rented scaffolding.  First, the...
'Look both ways before tossing'....
On the second play of the game, Knight demonstrated one of the key reasons why this year's style of offense will be so different from last year's version.  He missed a wide open receiver for what would have been a touchdown

Look, this isn't going to be the pass first, pass second, and if we still got it, pass it again style of offense like we have seen the last decade and a half here at just isn't. 

But even so, OU will certainly need to be more productive than 11 of 28 for 86 yards.  No, that isn't a typo. 86 yards is correct.  86 is when the Mets won the World Series, or what you say to a cook when you want to nix the onions on somebody's burger.  86 is the number that immediately follows 85 and former OU tight-end Rickey Brady's jersey number...but it shouldn't be the teams total passing yards, unless that team is still drinking juice-boxes at half-time. 

Nobody expected Trevor to be a finished product when he took the field...but hopefully when the nerves settle, some of the basic fundamentals that were missing Saturday night will resurface.  For a QB you don't do yourself any favors when you stare down your intended receiver like your Rosie O'Donnell and he is the last donut in the box. If a drunk fat guy in Section 5, row 16 can read your eyes, I'm pretty sure the guys on the field have picked up on it. Again, first game jitters play a big part in this.  Hell, I know a 5th year senior with a bad porn stash that had the same problem.
"I've seen the fastball, now show me your changeup"
One thing is for certain, Knight has a very strong arm.  He throws a tight spiral that has some zip on it.   Sometimes too much zip.  Could be the nerves again, but hopefully he will incorporate a little touch and finesse to go along with his bullets. Take it from The OAS who has always believed that sometimes a message is best delivered with a kind word and a gentle touch...

"Help me, help you"
The last time the Sooners started the season with a redshirt freshman QB, it was some kid by the name of Sam Bradford. Kevin Wilson let him get his feet wet by calling pass plays that are normally pretty easy to execute.  Wide receiver or bubble screens and flair passes are usually considered nothing more than extended handoffs, quasi-running plays if you will.  Bradford was impressive in his debut and I have always felt that Wilson's play calling was a big part of that.
OU offensive coordinator Josh Heupel tried to emulate that same type plan for Trevor Knight's debut.  He tried to help the young QB, he really did. 
In theory, here is how it should unfold: Heupel, who is up in the booth, calls the play. Then somebody who never plays, but gets to wear a headset...holds up the appropriate Jurassic Park sized cardboard sign.  This sign looks like it was the class project of a talented but directionless 2nd grader; it has some recognizable parts but none that actually go together and make sense...except to Trevor and the OU offense.  After Knight figures out the play, he then tells the other ten guys...which is a waste of time because they are all looking at the same sign as he is.  Knight adds in a snap count, because that's what QB's do and then everyone is off to their prospective spots.  Once the ball is snapped, Trevor is supposed to make a quick throw to the slot receivers who will then dance and juke for a few yards.
By successfully executing this glorified pitch out, the young QB garners the right to feel better about himself.  Along with this new attitude comes increased confidence and an over-all better disposition.  Completing this 6 yard pass is also supposed to help him find some rhythm.  Rhythm? I thought his name was Trevor Knight, not Gladys Knight, but whatever.
The yards gained on the play make it a very manageable 2nd down and short...the donor section claps...the cheerleaders cheer...the student section yawns...and the whole process starts over.  Unless of course, your young QB short-hops the throw or knocks the popcorn out of some kids hands in the third row of the stands.
Now you have second and long, a QB who is mumbling to himself because he just botched a play equivalent to getting the word cat in a spelling bee, and eighty-five thousand fans are asking themselves if the eight play of the game is too early to start chanting for Blake Bell.  Again, this shouldn't be a difficult problem to fix. 

Things seemed to be on the verge of getting very interesting by the time the first quarter came to a close...and not in a good way...but then the Knight started to chance.

Next....Part 2

     Jep and Jessica from Duck Dynasty were in attendance
       Sometimes The OAS is not very smart. 
       I spent most of the first half thinking how cool it was that
                       these two were Sooner fans.  Lord...then it dawned on me
that they might be ULM fans considering the fact
 that they are from Monroe.
Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

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