Thursday, September 3, 2015


Hello, Baker.  This is the OAS.  I just wanted to drop you a note to congratulate you on being named the starting QB for the Oklahoma Sooners.  Like the rest of the Sooner Nation, I'm very excited about the upcoming season and I feel certain that you'll do a great job leading the team.

As I'm sure you're well aware, there are a lot of expectations that come with being the starting QB at the University of Oklahoma.  Some of these expectations are reasonable, while others admittedly, may be a tad much to ask from a young man that hasn't played a single down in a real game since 2013.

Overall, we've been very blessed at the QB position during the Stoops era. Seven different QB's have won conference championships.  Three different QB have lead the Sooners to BCS National Title games.  Two have won Heisman Trophies, and one, Josh Heupel, lead the Sooners to an undefeated season and the schools 7th National Championship.  But, that being said, things have become a little shaky at the QB position, as of late, so it's important that you get us back on track.

With that in mind, I thought I'd take a minute to go over a few things, offer a little friendly advice. While some of this may seem pretty obvious, I thought I'd throw it out there anyway since some of the other QB's didn't seem to pick up on it.  Baker, if you'll follow these simple guidelines, I feel certain that you'll do just fine.

Don't embarrass the Program: Please remember that you're the man, the leader, the face of the program.  This is no small thing, just ask Florida State and Texas A&M.  If you need an example to follow, you could do worse than to emulate the young man whose job you just took. Trevor Knight is a good student, a good teammate and an even better person.  He is active in the community, often speaks on the FCA circuit and was even part of a group from Oklahoma that went to Haiti to work with orphanages this past May.  So Baker, if given the opportunity, it wouldn't hurt for you to help an old lady across the street or rescue a kitten from a tree...I'm just sayin.'

Avoid Vehicles: Please don't fall out of the back of them like Brent Rawls, steal them like Hunter Wall, or pretend to sell them like Rhett Bomar. In fact, unless it's the team bus, I recommend that you just call Uber and just stay the hell away from all other vehicles whenever possible.

Alcohol: Look, when I was in college, my major was Hall's, which is short for Pool Hall, Study Hall & Alcohol, so I'm not going to judge you if you tip one back every now and again.  But please, be smart about it.  Knocking down a few Bud Light's while sitting court side at a Thunder game in front of 15, 000 people like the afore mentioned, underage Bomar did - not smart.

Personal grooming: Please do not grow a porn-stache like Landry Jones.  Does this really need any further explanation?

Please avoid injury.  If Trevor Knight was a horse, the trainers would've had to euthanize him long ago.  Since being named the starter before the 2013 season, Knight has had a hurt ankle, arm, shoulder, rib, head, ear lobe, eyebrow and feelings.  I'm not trying to make light of the serious head injury he suffered last year against Baylor, but the fact is, Knight has spent more time with doctors the past couple of years than a female companion of Sam Ukuwachu's.

Don't Go Brain Dead: I'm still in therapy because of the Landry Jones years, so please protect the football when you move around the pocket.  That's all I can say on this subject without my Tourette's Syndrome kicking in.

Just Say No: If your offensive coordinator asks you to throw a 5 yard out, from your own goal line when the defense is in man to man coverage, please don't. Just hand off to Perine, or Mixon or give the bird to the press box and run a QB sneak.  I don't care what you do, just be smart enough to just say no.

Please don't be a one hit wonder.  Yes, we need to talk about the Sugar Bowl.  Having a great game out of the blue like Trevor Knight did, confuses people and causes them to say stupid things...not to mention the fact it can have a real domino effect on the team.  Before the Sugar Bowl, the Sooners had three QB's, none of which had been consistent enough to win the position. Three is fine if your talking about Blind Mice, Little Pigs or male sexual fantasies, but having three average to below average QB's...that's not a good thing.  

Four quarters, three and a half hours and a big night on Bourbon Street later and Blake Bell is a TE, Kendal Thompson becomes a Mormon and moves to Utah and Trevor Knight is a 2014 Heisman candidate.  Hell, if getting lucky one night in the Big Easy makes you a Heisman candidate, then I should be writing a possible acceptance speech not a blog entry.

Be A QB:  Play well enough that coaches don't view you as a better fit at another position, like Tight End (Bell) or Wide Receiver (Thompson) or Right Field (Thomas) or Prison Inmate (Bomar/Wall).

Throw to people you know: Your jersey number has me a little concerned. As long as your throwing touchdowns, #6 is fine.  But a nickname like Pick 6 would be way to easy to latch on to should you start throwing game changing interceptions like Jones and Knight have done the last few years.  Be smart with the football.  Be willing to throw the ball away to avoid a sack or turnover.  But when you do throw it, be as accurate as Sam Bradford was when he was here, you do that and things will be fine.

Don't Say Goodbye: I just hope your transfer days are over because we need you to hang around. To many QB's have left the program prematurely.  Rhett Bomar left for Sam Houston State, Hunter Wall left for a State Correctional Facility, Keith Nicols left for Michigan State, Justice Hansen left for Butler CC, Drew Allen left for Syracuse, Brett Rawls just left and I think Noah Allen left to be in the witness protection program.  Tommy Grady and Kendal Thompson wanted to leave so bad they were willing to become Morman's and move to Utah to be a Ute, whatever the hell that is.

Throw the Deep Ball: I'm about three bubble screens away from climbing a tower with a high power rifle.  Please throw the ball deep occasionally, and if you could do so with the accuracy that Jason White did, but without the limp, that'd be great.

Be Big Game Baker: There is this little thing called OU-Texas.  It's played every year in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl, on the second Saturday of October.  I'm not gonna lie, its a big deal...but you can't let the moment paralyze you.  Look, I realize this advice is coming from a guy who will be drunk by 11 AM and sitting in the upper deck, but try not to let the emotions get to you so badly that you piss down both legs while running down the ramp.  If you do, you might end up throwing it to a Longhorn defensive lineman that runs over you like your roadkill on his way to the end zone...just ask Blake Bell.

Road Sweet Road: It took Landry Jones almost three years to win an important game on the road.  We're hoping you win your first one a mere 9 days from now.  We don't care that you'll have played only one game (Akron) since 2013.  We don't care that you'll be facing a SEC opponent, at night, in front of 110,000 hostile, dentally challenged, Rocky Top singing Volunteer fans. We need you to play well enough to give the Sooners a chance to win.  And get use to it because there are trips to Dallas, Manhattan, Waco and Stillwater that will be equally important as the season goes on.

Lastly, all we ask is that you win them all: Last, I would advise you that the best thing to do, is what Josh Heupel did in 2000, just go out and win every game.  I know, I know, that seems a lot to if not every game, then at least get us into the playoffs.   Look, bottom line is, at $150.00/hour, I can't afford the therapy associated with another 8-5 season, so like the rest of the Sooner Nation, I'm looking to you to make sure that doesn't happen again.  

I like you Baker Mayfield.  I like that fact that you came here and walked-on without even asking the coaches.  I like the fact that you weren't scared off by the the fact that the incumbent starter Trevor Knight, who had just won the Sugar Bowl MVP by shredding Alabama, was only a red-shirt freshman.  I like the fact that your reportedly a little cocky, that you like to talk a little trash and I definitely like the fact that you can dance....But this isn't Dances with the Stars.  You're going to have to show us now that your the right guy to lead this team, that you won't melt in big games and that you won't make game changing mistakes at critical moments.  It's your turn Baker Mayfield....Now go get 'em, and just remember, I'm behind you 100%, until of course, I'm not.

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interest Guy

Buddy Putty

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

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