Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Think I’ll just stay here and drink” – Merle Haggard

My mind was made up…I wasn’t going to go to the game…and I had plenty of reasons why.

To start with…I didn’t have a ticket….which, as most know, was no small issue this year. Secondly, the game was a 7:00 pm kickoff…which meant I needed a hotel room, a designated driver and a bodyguard in case we lost…none of which were currently reserved nor employed.

Next was the fact that Stillwater is not exactly close. From Dallas, it takes me 8 beers, a Johnny’s Chili Cheeseburger, 4 road rage incidents, 2 ½ Rosetta Stone Spanish CD’s (muted), 5 construction zones, a speeding ticket, 2 Hoya De Monterrey Excalibur #1 cigars, a bathroom stop, 16 phone calls and more text messages than I would like to publicly admit…or what amounts to about a 4 ½ hour drive to get to Stillwater. Then I have to turn around and do it again…except with a hangover.

But the real deal killer for me was the issues I would have to deal with once I got to Aggieville…let’s call it Cowboy virginity.

For the first time ever, OSU had a double digit number listed under the W side of the Win/Loss column. The Pokes would be playing for the chance to win the South Division outright, another first. Then, God forbid, if they were to win…they would then get a chance to play for the Big 12 Conference Title in Dallas, which again…would also be a first. An OSU win, would be a losing their virginity hat-trick, if you will.

Did I really want to be there if OSU were to pull this off? Did I really want to watch thousands of people, all in different shades of orange, pretend to be swaying grain…and did I really want to pay big money to do it? The answer was no. So, in the name of virginity…and for maybe the first time ever for anything…I was going to practice ‘abstinence’. Yes…it was official; I was not going to Stillwater.

Somewhere…some girl’s mother was finally going to be proud of me.

I don’t know where this is going baby…it’s good, it’s easy, it’s hard and it’s crazy, but it sure feels right” – Radney Foster

I was on the road by about 9:30. The car was loaded…and like a good boy scout…I was prepared…except I didn’t have to wear the bad outfit. I had 19 different varieties of OU jackets, ranging from lazy breeze out of the south, to arctic blue northern. The beer was iced down; the crown was carefully poured into the plastic game-day flasks (yes plural). I had snacks, cigars, Rosetta, a phone charger…and just enough cash to make myself dangerous. In a word…bedlam.

What I didn’t have: was a ticket…a place to stay…and since I was solo, evidently any friends. But I didn’t care…I wasn’t going to miss this edition of bedlam. I wasn’t going to be intimidated by pumpkin colored people swaying like weeds, a QB named after the same or a team that has never gotten out of them. Damn it, I was going…even if I had to go alone…so I did…and then I didn’t.

Ring, ring….

The OAS: “Hola”. Tim: “Buddy…its Sanders”
The OAS: “Who?” Tim: “Your funny…its “closet a**-hole…you going to the game?”
The OAS: “Yep, on my way…in fact, I’m in OKC right now…you want to go?”
Tim: “Let me ask Mary Ann”
The OAS: “OK…talk to you tomorrow”.

A few minutes later: ring, ring…

The OAS: “Hello”. Tim: “Can you pick me up?”
The OAS: “Who is this?” Tim: “Still hilarious.”
The OAS: “Did you tell MA you were going with me?”
Tim: ‘Yes, so hurry before she changes her mind”
The OAS: “Its officially snowing in hell…or time just reverted back to the late 80’s…either way…I will be there in 10”

And I was…and it was…just like Delt Dive 85.

“Don’t bother tellin’ me what I got comin’ in the morning, I already know. I got some feel good pills and a red Gatorade by my bed, ready to go” - Blake Shelton

Tim Sanders is one of the most responsible people I know. He is a great family man…father, husband…yata, yata, yata. Tim is also one of the most fun and funniest people I know. I really like his wife, Mary Ann…she is awesome. She is also a very loyal reader of my blog, or at least use to be…which may explain why Tim doesn’t get to come out and play more with The OAS (that and he enjoys going to the games with his son Craig, which is certainly understandable). It may also explain why Tim got the following text message from an obviously nervous Mary Ann less than an hour after we had pulled away from his house:

  ”Remember to be a good sport no matter what happens. You never know who could be sitting behind you. You are a great example for our children. Make good choices."

Sounded like MA might already be questioning just how good her choice was.

WOW. I don’t think I have ever had one of my friends get a verbal warning in printed form before. Usually they just won’t let their husband go anywhere with me…or they give stern warnings before departure. But this…this was ground breaking type intervention.

I think Tim and I laughed for the next 20 miles…not at you MA…just at everything.

I really don’t understand why MA was so concerned. Tim Sanders..&...Buddy Putty…Just a couple of nice guys headed off to Stillwater to watch a rivalry game and practice good sportsmanship….OK…maybe I do get it.

I am not sure of when the last time Sanders and I road tripped…maybe College Station in 2000…but I know it has been years. I am also not sure the last time I have laughed this hard and had this much fun at an OU game…but it might also have been years.

I ran into people I have not seen in years…we verbally messed with people I haven’t seen the likes of in years…and witnessed one of the best football games I have seen in years…I just hope MA doesn’t run into the people that sat behind us…for years.

Part II to follow: Rivalry, Ridicule & Role Models

(Editor’s note…special thanks to the following:
Callie Remschner, for your effort to come find us and say hello, it was great to see you and catch up.
Coach” Smallwood…Gary, it was so cool to see you again and catch up/re-live some great memories. Thanks for believing in this QB back in the day!
Mark & Ty Smallwood…thanks for including Tim and I in the pre-game tailgate…appreciate it)

Just The Opinion Of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Friday, November 12, 2010


Texas A&M 33 Oklahoma 19

Wow. That was bad on so many levels that I am almost speechless. Almost.


Start (stärt): to begin an activity or a movement; set out; to have a beginning; commence; to be in the initial line-up; to score first when you play at home against OU

The average time it takes to perform an instrumental version of the Star-Spangled Banner is roughly 1 minute and 15 seconds. It takes right at 2 minutes, give or take a caneck, for the Fighting Texas Aggie Band to play the extended dance version of the Aggie War Hymn. “There’s a Spirit”…the 2010 Texas A&M pre-game video…will take you on a journey from Kimbrough, Crow and The Bear in Junction to Sherrill, Bucky and Coryatt in Cotton…in exactly 3 minutes and 33 seconds.

The amount of time it took for the Sooners to fall behind against Texas A&M last Saturday night? 11 seconds. That’s right….11 seconds…which is pretty impressive considering it took 14 seconds to fall into a deficit at Missouri two weeks ago.

Seriously…how the hell do you run back a kickoff, commit a personal foul penalty and airmail the football out of the back of your own end-zone in only 11 seconds? Seriously…how the hell did Kevin Wilson not find a way to include a screen pass in that duration? Hell, the Sooners were down a deuce before I even had a chance to mix a drink and realized that it was the 82,000 Aggie fans who were swaying back and forth and not me.

Throw in the fact that the Aggies returned the second half kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown…and it makes you start to seriously wonder about the mental preparation process going on in the locker room. Whatever ‘Win This Away Game for the Gipper’ speech Stoops is using these day’s needs to be filed away with his pre-game BSC Bowl Game speech and his two point conversion chart.

     Reporter: “How do you feel about the execution of your offense?”
     “I’m in favor of it” – John McKay / Head Coach / Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Let’s face it…the Sooners were simply awful Saturday night. That is not opinion…it is fact…even the coaches and players have acknowledged as much. The first half was one of the worst, if not the worst I have seen OU play in years. I will acknowledge that the Sooners played hard in the second half and never gave up…but as the Sooners found out…tardy effort is not always going to be enough to overcome a double digit deficit on the road.

OFFENSE “The Longest Yard”

OC Kevin Wilson:
Clearly, Coach Wilson lives by the motto: “if at first you don’t succeed…try it 11 more times”. The play calling was horrible…everyone knows it…and even Wilson has admitted as much. There is probably nothing more here I can say that hasn’t already been said…so I won’t pile on…much.

This won’t be popular, but I will somewhat defend Wilson…but only a little. While I get tired of the WR screens and swing passes to DeMarco Murray as much as everyone else…what it tells me…is that Wilson doesn’t have enough confidence in the offensive line to straight out run the football. Throwing those screens is, in effect, the Sooners version of a running game. If they have success throwing those screens, the defense has to adjust…and that usually means spreading out more…which allows the Sooners to better match up inside and THEN they can and usually do try to run the ball.

But the Sooners had little to no success with the screens last Saturday night and were getting physically dominated on the line of scrimmage…so in effect…there was no ‘running game’ of any shape or form. Add the fact that OU was out of timeouts and needed to preserve clock…and it makes it impossible to defend Wilson’s choice of running the football, time and time again, inside the 5 yard line.

The one thing the short screens do set up…as witnessed by Broyles torching Colorado for 2 completions of over 65 yards the week before…and did set up perfectly Saturday night…is the hitch and go….but…

QB Landry Jones
OU fans have been completely spoiled when it comes to the QB position. Sam Bradford, as he is once again proving at the next level…was/is a freak of nature. His success as a red-shirt freshman, then winning the Heisman his sophomore year…completely screwed up the reasonable levels of expectations we have at the QB position. Landry is only a red-shirt sophomore and has played well and even great at times…but that being said…the coaches have to be getting a little concerned about the way he is handling adversity outside of Cleveland County Oklahoma.

If seems like if Landry gets the least bit out of rhythm, it really shoots his wheels off….and then things start to go bad everywhere. The Sooners get behind, then I start to drink more and scream louder…pretty soon the dog gets scared and pisses the floor…then the next thing you know…nobody will watch a game with me anymore until I get counseling.

No one expects any player to be perfect…but there are certain situations when failure to execute is going to be more critical and obvious than others…especially at the QB position. The overthrow to Kenny Stills is a mistake that a QB with Landry’s experience, shouldn’t still be making. When you have a play that is set up that well…and the intended receiver doesn’t have a defender within 20 yards…you HAVE to give him a chance to catch the ball. Even if Stills has to come to a complete stop and fair catch the damn thing…fine…just don’t over throw him. That play changed the total complexion of the first half and probably the game….just like Hanna’s drop…effectively ended all the momentum the Sooners had garnered in the second half.

Offensive Line
The Sooner offensive line is just not very physical...period. They got dominated. Von Miller might have had 10 sacks if he would have drunk a glass of water during the week.

Evidently it is tiring to not block someone…so OU rotated Stephenson and Jones in at left tackle. At least they had fresh legs when they whiffed.


Defensive Backs:
Look, I know that the reason they are defensive backs in the first place is because they can’t catch…but seriously, by my count at least three (and four if you’re an optimist) different INT’s for TD’s were dropped. SOMEONE be a hero.


Gray’s Anatomy
Until Ronnell Lewis returns from injury….why don’t we just kick it out of bounds?

Perfectly Imperfect
Since I was so critical of the near disastrous fake field goal attempt against Texas….I want to give full credit where credit is due on the attempted fake against A&M. Even after OU had actually made a field goal…I was surprised to see that the Aggies would actually be fooled by the Sooners attempted fake…but it was a great call….and John Nimmo’s pass was about as perfect as it gets. It is obvious that Stoops has confidence in JM…and Nimmo proved that confidence to be well founded with his strike to Hanna…if only.

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy
The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Friday, October 29, 2010

Special Announcement for Game Day 10/30

                      "If it looks like a taco, and smells like fish, it must be a tasty dish"

The Overweight Armchair Sooner is pleased to announce the opening of Fuzzy’s Taco Shop on Campus Corner in Norman, Oklahoma.

Come join me @ Fuzzy’s this Saturday, October 30th for $2.00 tacos & $2.00 beers…both of which I will be enjoying on Fuzzy’s 3000 sq. foot beer garden patio.

Scott McKnight and I will be posted up at a big table on the back patio in front of the 2 outdoor 50” TV’s from 1:00pm until kickoff. Come by and say hello…if you mention you heard about Fuzzy’s from The OAS Blog, your first beer is on me…if you are a cute single girl, you don’t have to mention anything…all your beers are on me.

If you are having a hard time getting in because of the line…give Scott (817.271.8899) or Buddy Putty (214.538.4475) a call and we will big time you through the game.

See you in Norman on Saturday...Beat the Buffs

Boomer Sooner

Game Day @ Fuzzy's


Thursday, October 28, 2010


This blog is dedicated to my friend and fellow Sooner fan Ken Haigler, who passed away on Monday, October 25th. Boomer Sooner my friend…your contagious smile and laugh will be missed. Section 5 @ Memorial Stadium won’t be the same without you.

The referee blew his whistle and pointed at the guy we call our kicker. The reason we call him kicker is because calling him “since the rules prohibit us from faking a kickoff…we are forced to choose someone to kick the ball…and from the choices we have available to us…this guy sucks the least” would be awkward for TV announcers and even harder to print in the game program.

Our “kicker” nods back at the ref like they share some sort of secret…and then starts his half jog, half hop scotch approach to the football. Kicking with the wind at his back…the ball flutters into the air end over end ‘all the way’ to the 14 yard line, where it comes to rest in the arms of somebody named Gahn McGaffie.

Here is what the entire Mizzou Nation could tell you about Gahn McGaffie prior to this moment: who?

Gahn…is pronounced like John…and rhymes with gone…which turns out to be very appropriate…because that is exactly what he and the Sooners #1 ranking were seconds after he touched the ball.
(**If the name you choose for your son is going to be pronounced John, then why not just name the kid John for God’s sake and save him from having to explain it his entire life? Buddy Putty might sound stupid, but at least it is pronounced like its spelled. If I was Buhdee Putty, then in edition to explaining why on earth my parents must have hated me…I would also have to explain how it was pronounced and why the hell it was spelled that way. **The opinion of The OAS is not necessarily the view shared by others, most especially Mr. & Mrs. McGaffie)

Normally, if an opponent tries to return one of our ‘kickers’ high and short kickoffs landing on that side of the field…they find themselves waking up in the same spot a few minutes later. But with Ronnell “The Hammer” Lewis out with an injury, Gahn McGaffie drove a nail through the heart of the Sooner Nation, going 86 yards for a touchdown. It was an omen…and certainly set the tone for what would be a night of big plays by the Tigers and missed opportunities for the Sooners.

In addition to the kickoff return, I thought these were the key factors Saturday night:

The Un-Cover 2 Defense
The Missouri offense was suppose to be pretty good, but the OU defense made them look great. There was no pass rush, poor tackling…and horrid coverage in the secondary which resulted in Missouri racking up 486 yards of total offense. Blaine Gabbert picked apart the Sooners cover 2 defense in exactly the spot you are suppose to attack a cover 2 defense…over the middle. Once the Sooners were back on their heels the Tigers were able to run the ball effectively for 178 yards…most of them coming up the middle…where the Sooners were vulnerable. Defensive tackle is a problem spot that has been made worse by injury…the DL problem got exposed Saturday night.

The Landry Jones pass that was tipped, intercepted and then returned 58 yards was a HUGE momentum swing in the game. Along with the Madu fumble, the Sooners left points in the Mizzou red zone…those are points that you have to have to win on the road. Sooners are now just 22-18 on the road or at a neutral site since 2005

F-ing Kicker
Shockingly, there was another situation involving an OU kicker that helped contribute to the loss. After recovering a fumble, the Sooners were unable to convert for a TD. The drive stalled at the 11 yard line after a penalty. Place Kicker Jimmy Stevens then duck hooked a 28 yard field goal. The ball went so far left, he would have been out of bounds had he been playing golf. Missouri subsequently went down the field and added three points to their lead when their kicker made his field goal (for those of you who are confused…your team is awarded three points when they kick the ball and it actually goes thru the goal posts)

As noted here last week…Roy Finch is on the verge of greatness…look for him to get more and more carries…because he deserves them and because Madu keeps fumbling.

I know it is easy for the media and fans to second guess head coaching decisions, especially when they don’t work out. There is also little doubt that head coaches get tired of being asked about every single decision that they make. Bob Stoops is paid and paid well to make big decisions…but that does not always mean he is right every single time….and Saturday night was one of those times.

I don’t care what Bob Stoops says in defense of his decision to go for two with three minutes to go in the game…the decision was just flat wrong. Even if the play works and the Sooners convert, it would have still been the wrong decision…he just would have got away with it. Any explanation other than “I made a mistake” is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who knows anything about football. The risk vs. reward of going for two in that situation was so out of whack that it should have been a no brainer.

Why not go for two there,” said Coach Stoops.
Here is why: because if your attempt for two fails…then you have to score twice and you have NO CHANCE to win…that’s why

Stoops: “You have to go for two at some point right, and if you go for two then you know what you have to do with your kickoff. If we made the two-points we could have kicked it deep, used our timeouts and still had a chance. So to me it was the right time to go for it.”
Answer just doesn’t make sense. Kick the extra point, then you know exactly what to do…kick deep, play defense and use your timeouts…and still have a chance. Failure to make two at that point gave OU no chance.

“I don’t understand why that is a question,” said Coach Stoops.
Well, that is just arrogant. It is a question because the decision you made was wrong

Stoops: “To me it is the absolute thing to do because if we get the two we have the option of kicking it deep and using timeouts and getting the ball back. If you don’t get it you know what you have to do, you have to on-side it. To me it was the only thing to do. My point is if I am going to go for two now or if I have to make it at the end of the game why does it matter when I go for it?
Why does it matter when you try it? Seriously? Because as already pointed out…failure to convert at that point, makes every thing going forward irrelevant…that’s why! If you kick the extra point don’t have to worry about recovering an on-side kick because you don’t have to try one.

But Bob decided to go for two…and when it failed...the only “worry” Bob had left was how to get his team off the field without being hit by the goal posts the Missouri Tiger fans were going to be tearing down.

I LOVE Bob Stoops…wouldn’t trade him for anybody. I love Big Game Bob, and Riverboat Gambler Bob, and Side Show Bob, and Bob Barker, and even Bob Newhart…but I don’t like Dumb Bob. There is a difference in being a gambler and being stupid. I am not going to ‘stoop’ to calling Bob stupid…but the decision was not smart coaching. I truly hope that his usual defiant, ‘you don’t know football like I know football answer’ was just that…a defiant answer…because if he truly believes that going for 2 points was the right thing to do…then this whole thing will be just like it was…pointless.

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy
The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Tuesday, October 19, 2010




One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do” – Three Dog Night

With apologies to the band Three Dog Night, one may have company soon.

Scattershooting…The Sooners vaulted to the top spot in the BCS ranking with a homecoming thrashing of the Iowa State Cyclones last Saturday night in Norman. The 52-0 win moves the Sooners to 6-0 for the first time since 2004…and sets up a showdown in the Show Me State this Saturday night against the undefeated Missouri Tigers.

Don’t get me wrong, The OAS loves him some #1…but that being said, I was a little surprised that the Sooners topped the initial BCS rankings released Sunday night. Guess I just kind of figured…if it runs like the Ducks, throws like the Ducks and plays like the Ducks…then it might be the Ducks @ number 1…but hey, what the duck do I know.

In a sign that I might be getting old and or lazy….I didn’t make it to Norman for the game Saturday night. The late start and likely possibility of a blowout…combined with TV offerings of Rangers/Yankees, Horns/Huskers and of course OU/ISU made it a good day to hang out and get some things done around the couch.

I have seen the future…and his name is Roy Finch. The freshman RB is lightning quick and looks to be everything he was advertised to be. Have to be excited about the possibilities that a Finch and Clay tandem bring. Just can’t say or type enough good things about this freshman class.

Note to RB Jermie Calhoun…please see your academic counselor…it will be important to know how many of your completed hours will be accepted at whatever Div II school you will be transferring too.

Announced start time for the Oct. 30th OU/Colorado game is 8:10 P.M. Wow…that could make for a long and ugly day…Since me and moderation have never gotten along that well…there is a better than average chance I might be a drunk Sooner fan for Halloween again this year.

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but…Saturday night, Landry Jones completed 30 of his 34 passes. After a couple tries, my calculator informed me that works out to be a completion ratio of over 88%...a new single game Sooner record. I don’t care if your playing Iowa State, Midwestern State or wards of the state…completing 88% of your passes is not an easy thing to do. Congratulations to DeMarco Murray for breaking the all time University of Oklahoma touchdown record previously held by Steve Owens. Here is hoping that DeMarco spends the rest of the year making the TD record one that will be almost impossible to break.

On a rare serious note…I want to take a minute to congratulate the Sooners players and coaches on being ranked #1 in the BCS this week. The ranking is a testament to both your talent and hard work…both of which are admired by this fan.

In this blog I often joke and poke fun at some of the players, coaches and events that take place during the course of the season…but make no mistake about it…my attempt at humor is nothing more than a cover for my jealousy. This blog would be a perfect example of ‘those who can’ about those who can.’ I admire the dedication and determination of each and every one of the players and coaches who wear the crimson and cream…and consider it a privilege to be a Sooner fan.

Beat Mizzou…Boomer Sooner

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Bob Berry: "Welcome back to a special edition of Sooners Jeopardy!  Our spotlight today: Sooner Football in the 1990’s. Along with former OU assistant coach Merv Johnson, I'm your host, Bob Barry. Before we continue with our double jeopardy round…let’s take a minute and reacquaint ourselves with today's contestants."
"First…from Houston, TX…this former Sooner linebacker spent 14 years as an assistant under Barry Switzer before being named his replacement in 1989. In his six year tenure as head coach, the Sooners went 44-23-2, won two bowl games and didn’t have a single starting QB convicted of drug trafficking. With a first round total of $0…Please say hello to Robin or rather Barry, excuse me, I mean Gary Gibbs, there we go, ha-ha...."

Merv Johnson: "Wow, Bob…you were only one Gibb brother shy of getting the Bee Gees back together."

Gary Gibbs: "Does anyone remember that the program had just been put on probation when I was hired? I did what I was hired to do, but I can see that I still don’t get any respect around here."

Bob Berry: "Sounds like the coach is doing some Jive Talkin’ to me, what about you, Coach?"

Merv Johnson: "Good one, Bob. You really know your disco."

Bob Berry: "Our second contestant is a 76 year old native of Louisville, Kentucky. His tenure on the Sooners sideline lasted for only the 1995 season. Under his influence, the Sooners finished 5-5 on the field that year…Off the field…he finished 7&7’s leaving the former Sooner coach simply under the influence. His first round total of negative $20.20 has him in second place….bartenders please welcome back to Norman...Howard Schwarzkoff."

Merv Johnson: “Uh, Bob, I believe his name is Schnellenberger”

Bob Berry: "Oh, ha-ha… I believe your right, Merv…check that...please welcome…How…"

Howard Schnellenberger: "My name is Schnellenberger, Howard Schnellenberger…and someday, they will write books and make movies about my time here”

Gary Gibbs: “Movies? More like a bad sitcom pilot. Wow, did they really force me to resign so they could hire this inebriated version of Captain Kangaroo?”

Bob Barry: “Afraid so, Coach Joe Gibbs…check that…Gary Gibbs. Our final contestant played on the defensive line for the Sooners from 1979-1982. Named the Sooners head coach in 1996, he became the first African-American coach in school history…He is also believed to be the first OU head coach, regardless of ethnicity, to make sweat bands part of his game day wardrobe. Currently in last place with a total of -$10,000…say hello to Robert Blake(Chants of boo)

Howard Schnellenberger: “Robert Blake? I thought Baretta was a white guy?”

Bob Berry: “Check that…John Blake…49/5-11/350/Non-Decipherable Communications Major out of San Springs Page High School…and no those aren’t boo’s you’re hearing Sooner fans. The people here are simply welcoming Coach Blake by using his nickname…which of course is…Boo

Merv Johnson: “No Bob, I hate to say it, but I believe those are, in fact…real boo’s”

John Blake: “I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for it is through him, that all things are possible.”

Howard Schnellenberger: “all things except win a home game in 1996”

Bob Berry: OK, OK settle down guys…let’s take a look at the categories on the board for today’s Double Jeopardy Round. They are:

     I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMASSooners Bowl History in the 1990’s
     100% COTTONOU-TX games played in the decade of the 90’s
     HORRORS @ HOMEworst home game losses in the 1990’s
     CALE TO THE CHIEFSooner Quarterbacks in the 90’s…And finally…
     PETERS CHASE GOODE BEAVERSOU Defensive Stars of the 90’s

Merv Johnson: “Bob, I believe Gary controls the board to start this round”

Bob Berry: “Who? Oh, right…almost forgot…Coach Gibbs…58/6-2/207 Criminal Rehab Major from Spring Branch High School in Houston, TX….Coach, if you would, please select a category”

Gary Gibbs: “I’ll take CALE TO THE CHIEF for $400 Bob”

Bob Berry: “This Sooner QB transferred to Louisville after the 1995 season, his only one in Norman. He completed his college career at UofL as the NCAA Division 1-A career leader in passing completions with 1,679 and attempts with 1,031….and his 12,541 rushing yards ranked him third all time.” (Response buzzer)…Coach Schwarzenegger:

Howard Schnellenberger: “Who is Tom Collins? (Incorrect Horn)

Merv Johnson: Howard, I believe that is a cocktail (Response buzzer) Coach Blake?

John Blake: “First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for it is through him, that all things are possible.”…Who is Eric Moore? (Incorrect Horn)

Bob Berry: That is correct….check that (Response buzzer)

Gary Gibbs: Bob, first of all, you got the completion and attempts stats backwards…and…his 12,541 yards were passing yards, not rushing….that being said…the correct answer is Chris Redman. (Incorrect Horn)… What?

Merv Johnson: Coach Gibbs…I’m afraid it’s not your job to try and fix things around here anymore. And while, yes, Chris Redmond is the correct answer… your response was not phrased in the form of question, so the Sooner Nation is unable to give you the credit you think you deserve.”

Gary Gibbs: “why am I not shocked?”

Bob Berry: Just like we did after the 1994 season….lets move on to Coach Henry Schnellenberger…76/6-1/219…History & Traditions major from Flaget High School in Louisville, Kentucky. Coach, it’s your ball, first down on the 51st yard line…please select a category

Howard Schnellenberger: “I’ll take WHORE HOUSES for a round of drinks”

Bob Berry: “Uh, Merv, help me out here.”

Merv Johnson: “Bob, I believe he means HORRORS @ HOME for $200”

Bob Berry: “Oh, ha, ha…The Sooners had downed this opponent for 30 straight years before being upset at home on October 20, 1990 by a final of 33-31.” (Response buzz) Coach Schnatzenberger:

Howard Schnellenberger: Who is Jack Daniels? (Incorrect Horn)

Merv Johnson: Howard, I believe that is another cocktail…maybe you should give the POTENT POTABLES category a “shot” (Response buzz) Coach Blake:

John Blake: “First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for it is through him, that all things are possible…..”

Bob Berry: And?

John Blake: Oh, that’s all I got. I just figured since the category was about home losses I should buzz in. (Incorrect Horn) (Response buzzer)

Bob Berry: Coach Gibson?

Gary Gibbs: Sadly, I remember that game all to well…Who is Iowa State?

Bob Berry: “30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5…touchdown Sooners!”

Merv Johnson: “Uh, wait a minute Bob…There is a flag on the field…this one is going to be called back.

Gary Gibbs: “Why?”

Merv Johnson: “Because you were the coach when OU lost to Iowa State for the first time in 30 years…that kind of thing give you no credibility with the Sooner Nation”

Gary Gibbs: “This is ridiculous”

Bob Berry: “Coach Bliss, please select a category.”

John Blake: “The name is Blake. Bob, I’d like to pick COTTON…for $800” (Daily Double Bell)

Howard Schnellenberger: “did he just say he’s pickin’ cotton for $800?”

Merv Johnson: “Howard, be careful, that kind of behavior will not be tolerated”

Bob Berry: John has selected the category 100% COTTON…and that’s today’s Daily Deuce…John, since you have -$10,600, you can wager up to a $3000.

Merv Johnson: “Didn’t you mean double, Bob?”

Howard Schnellenberger: “make mine a double too”

Bob Berry: That’s what I said…Daily Double. (Response buzzer)

Howard Schnellenberger: “What is a Gin Martini?

Bob Berry: “I’m sorry Hubert, but on the Daily Double question, only the contestant choosing the category is eligible to answer. Again, the category 100% COTTON pertains to OU-TX games played in the 1990’s”

Gary Gibbs: “If this question involves Peter Gardere or one of those damn Cash brothers, I swear I am going to walk off this stage”

Howard Schnellenberger: “Will that “resignation” be effective immediately…or will you wait until after you lose another Copper Bowl by 25?”

Bob Berry: “Guys, guys…we’re all family here”…Coach Blair…how much are you risking?

John Blake: “My name is Blake, and I’ll wager my job, my reputation and my coveted Nike sweat bands”

Gary Gibbs: “what about all the money that the NFL sports agents are paying you under the table?”

Bob Berry: “So for absolutely nothing…Here is the answer….1996 was the first time the game between Oklahoma & Texas was settled in this manner.”

John Blake: “First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for it is through him, that all… (Out of time buzzer)

Merv Johnson: “I’m sorry; the answer we were looking for was…What is overtime?”

John Blake: But I didn’t get a chance to finish what I started here!

Merv Johnson: John, you were never going to get it right. Hell, you had J.T. Thatcher at running back when the whole world knew he was a safety…and who was going to be your QB…Patrick Fletcher?”


Bob Berry: That sound means that it is time for today’s Sooner Final Jeopardy! Today’s Sooner Final Jeopardy! Category is brought to you by: The Oklahoma Ford Dealers Association. Stop in at your local Ford dealer today and ’Grab life by the Horns’…Ford Trucks: There’s tough, then there’s Ram Tough”…And by the good folks at Shelter Insurance…“Where spending 15 minutes in the good hands of a good neighbor, can save you 20% on car insurance.” Merv, tell the good people what we have today:

Merv Johnson: “Well, what we have today are probably two more sponsors than we’ll have tomorrow, now that you just completely mangled their slogans. But regardless….today’s Sooner Final Jeopardy! Category is: Tradition

Bob Berry: “The answer is…the decade OU fans are trying to forget”
Let’s take a look at what the coaches wrote down…Coach Gibbs…What was your answer?

Merv Johnson: Uh Bob, since the Sooners were on probation, Coach Gibbs is not eligible for post season play.

Coach Gibbs: You have got to be kidding me….that wasn’t even my fault! Why am I even here?

Bob Berry: Coach Saltalamacchia?

Howard Schnellenberger: Damn it old man, I am about to kick your ass if you don’t get my name right….”What is the prohibition era?”

Bob Berry: “No, I’m sorry…that is incorrect”….let’s see your wager…you put: “I bet that you can’t out drink my wife”…Well, isn’t that special...moving on to Coach Boo…lets see your answer Coach.

John Blake: “I don’t remember recruiting anyone name DeCade?”…

Bob Berry: "While that may be so, your answer is incorrect…and you wagered: that Bob Stoops will never last past three season.”

John Blake: Without my kids…you forgot that part!

Bob Berry: That’s all the time we have today…for Bob Berry, I am Merv Johnson…join us next time on…This is Sooners Jeopardy! when our contestants will be: Mike Leach, Mark Mangino & Jenny Craig.

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner
Buddy Putty

Saturday, October 9, 2010




Show a little faith, there’s magic in the night…you ain’t a beauty, but hey you’re alright…Oh and that’s alright with me” - Thunder Road / Bruce Springsteen

The 2010 edition of the Red River Rivalry may have featured two equally matched teams playing at a neutral site in front of an evenly divided fan base...but there was nothing middle of the road about which team benefited most from the games key moments. Seemingly every bounce, every break, every penalty or crucial mistake went the Sooners way… but as is the trend in 2010…the Sooners and their fans found it a little to close for comfort at the end.

Yes, it was ugly…but you are not going to hear me complain. Believe me, I am thrilled that the Sooners are undefeated…and lets face it…any win over the Longhorns is a good win. Besides, I appreciate and understand the concept of “ugly with a happy ending”…hell, that was the fundamental basis of my dating strategy for a few years in the 90’s. That being said, it sure would be easier on my liver and the eardrums of those sitting around me, if the Sooners would put teams away when given the opportunity. OU had that chance again Saturday, but for the fourth time in five games, the Sooners chose to ugly it up before ultimately getting what they wanted. Ugly…Yes…but a win nonetheless…Oh, and that’s alright with me.

This was one of the best OU-Texas weekends I have had in years.

Golf on Friday was great and not just because I birdied #18 to win the money. Thank you to David Matheson and Spesh for organizing the outing. Also, thank you to Evan & Kolczun for putting up with Spesh and me getting hammered and talking through your backswing the entire back nine. (Note to self: Your swing tends to get a little loose and quick after your 13th beer.)

I would like to say a special thank you to those that hosted parties on Thursday and Friday nights…I appreciate you including me. The opportunity to see everyone is what makes OU-Texas so special.

Also…last but not least…thank you to those who went with me to Adair’s Friday night/Saturday morning…The OAS may be getting old, but he still has a move or two left on the dance floor. Good time.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much more enjoyable the OU-Texas game day experience becomes when the game starts at 2:30 instead of 11:00 am.

The State Fair fried item of the year: Fried Beer. Seriously? Just stop. Not even The OAS has any interest in a deep fried Pabst Blue Ribbon. You want a new approach to beer? How about lowering the number of coupons I have to give the dentally challenged lady who hands them to me?

Great time before the game this year…I remained reasonably sober, offended few if any….and even ate my pork chop sandwich without getting any BBQ sauce on my game day shirt.


The Good….
Landry Jones. Except for one heart stopping, Crow Royal chugging, profanity spewing, people shielding their children from me moment…Landry was terrific. With the Horns defense doing all it could to shut down Broyles, Jones spread the ball around…completing passes to seven different receivers. His management of the no huddle offense gave the Sooners a 14 point lead they would never relinquish…and his throw to Kenny Stills for a touchdown was as good as it gets.

In my opinion, DeMarco Murray and his play making ability was the difference in the game. His 115 yards rushing included a spectacular, tight rope walking, somersaulting TD run that will be an OU-TX highlight for years.

Freshman getting playing time in an OU-TX game…DB Colvin, WR Stills, FB Millard, DB Jefferson, DT Noble, RF LB Wort…I cant remember a time that so many freshman or red-shirt freshman were not only getting in the game, but doing so at critical times…then playing well when they do. It makes for an exciting future IMO

The defense was much better…the Longhorns didn’t take a snap in Sooner territory until mid-third quarter….but why they let up with a big lead is a troubling trend.

The Bad…
Making concessions:
The ice from the concession stands was nasty…it looked like a sand box at the bottom of all my drinks. I finally just had to start re-filling before it got to low to keep from getting grossed out.

And speaking of concessions: This could only happen to The OAS

Thankfully I have matured enough to have avoided a potentially ugly scene at the concession stand during half-time. A lady in a Texas shirt, who was old enough to be Abraham Lincoln’s wife…shuffled her little shriveled self past about 30 people to the front of the concession stand line. Being the patient type that I am, I just took a deep breath and resumed staring at the extremely hot UT girl dressed in a broom skirt and cowboy hat to my left.

The guy behind me clearly did not share the same respect for elders that I do…because he basically told her to move her blue-haired ass to the back of the line. Mrs. Lincoln, shockingly, turns out to be a little hard of hearing. The guy behind me, who safe to say is not a fan of the Golden Girls, reiterates his suggestion in a manner that would not go unheard…nor would it go ignored.

Mrs. Lincoln also turns out to be rather feisty…which is unfortunate since she was also very quick to wrongly accuse. Sounding like Katherine Hepburn in ‘On Golden Pond’…Mrs. L starts pointing and screaming obscenities at me like I am John Wilkes Booth.

Instantly…the anti-AARP guy behind me decides he doesn’t need anymore un-washed ice or verbal abuse from the Civil War era…and bolts. The hot Texas chick I had been mentally planning my future with…is now starring at me like she had just watched me slap Betsy Ross.

Abe’s wife has now made her way over into my personal space so she can point out what a rude, disrespectful young whippersnapper I am. I guess she felt the situation required more than just a reprimand…because Driving Miss Daisy is also poking me in the chest with her stage three arthritic index finger.

Luckily for both of us, I have been taking my medication and was still two large souvenir cups of Crown Royal away from my intended destination. So instead of congratulating her on surviving the Titanic or inquiring as to whether or not honest Abe was any good in bed… I just stated laughing…she didn’t.

About the time I started to think there was a real chance that I was going to get my ass kicked by the “Where’s the Beef Lady”, a Texas fan from one line over stepped in. He explained to the former first lady that I was not the one who had called her out…at which she replied…”doesn’t matter, all you Oklahoma assholes are the same”…Good one Mary Todd Lincoln…good one.

The Just plain ugly
“That’s what you want…To be criticized for winning. That’s Oklahoma football.”-Bob Stoops

OK, the field goal kicking thing is not funny anymore….and neither is the lengths in which Stoops will go to avoid even trying one.
Bob…we need to talk. I know you have a history with this kind of stuff. I was there at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 2003. OU was only up three on the Tide with about 5 minutes to go in the 3 quarter when you faked a punt on 4th and 10 from your own 15 yard line. I sat stunned as I watched Jeff Ferguson shot-put the ball to DB Michael Thompson. I remember Thompson juggling it like it was radioactive for about 10 yards before securing the ball…and a first down…but this?

After a delay of game penalty (which we won’t even get into) moved the ball back to the Horns 30, your options were as followed:

A. Attempt a 47 yard field goal. An option you took less time to dismiss than Jazz Reynolds…
B. Punt…which doesn’t make much sense when your on your opponents 30
C. Go for it. Worse case scenario being that the Horns get the ball at their own 30…or
D. Have some kid who is named after a lost animated fish attempt to throw it to a kicker.

Seriously, Bob… D? I know that the holder, John Nimmo, is listed in the program as a QB...but he is a QB that hasn’t thrown a pass in a game since well before his high school senior prom. Is the OU/TX game the right time for his coming out party? And if it is…do you really want him to throw it to O’Hara?

You don’t have confidence in O’Hara to be successful at something he actually practices all the time…is it really a good idea to expand his responsibilities to involve things he doesn’t?

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



The call letters of the fictional radio station in the late 70’s sitcom W-KRP in Cincinnati; were an obvious pun on the word crap. The situational comedy was based on the misadventures of the staff employed at the struggling station.

The misadventures of the OU defense offered television viewers the football rendition of W-KRP in Cincinnati last Saturday night…but I am willing to bet few in the Sooner Nation found much humor in it. When the nearly four hour television marathon was finally over, the Oklahoma defense had managed to contain the Bearcats to:  An eye popping 461 Total Yards. On the ground the Bearcats rushed for 156 yards on 32 alarming average of 4.9 per carry. Throught the air, Cincinnati got 305 yards and completed over 60% of their attempts. And just for good measure, the Sooners were penalized 13 times…5 of which were personal foul penalties.

Granted the original version of W-KRP in Cincinnati may not have been very funny either…but at least we got to see a steady diet of Lonnie Anderson’s cleavage. The only ‘busts’ we saw Saturday night were Sooner defensive assignments.

Oh, I almost forgot…at least OU won.  No, the victory at Paul Brown Stadium was not a thing of beauty....but it was a win...and a road win to boot. Things could be worse...we could have two loses and a QB with a bum shoulder like we did last year at this time.  The Sooners are coming to Dallas undefeated...but for them to leave town the same way the defense will need to improve in a hurry...cause after all...beating Texas is all Sooner fans really give a 'crap' about.

It's OU/Texas time. Buckle Up.

Top 10 Reasons Why the OU Defense is Ranked 97th in the Nation:

Coaches figure that as long as the defense is on the field, they won’t have to attempt any field goals.

OU defensive players think ‘3 and out’ involves a State of Oklahoma Correctional Facility

The Sooners wanted to honor former OU defensive greats Lee Roy Selmon and Gerald McCoy, both of whom wore jersey #97

Defensive Coordinator Brent Venables thought that Cincinnati would run the option after watching the Air Force game film

The ranking is a little deceiving because the Sooners haven’t had to face a really good offense yet.

The OU defensive backs have realized that getting burned is the easiest way to get on Sports Center.

Sooner defensive players were under the impression that it took 5 personal fouls before you were ejected

There are 96 teams in the country who have better defenses right now

Defense misinterpreted team goal of: Leading the nation in points allowed

Brent Venables new philosophy on the best way to avoid BCS Bowl game too not be in one.

Boomer Sooner....Beat Texas

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Memories, like the corners of my mind…misty water-colored memories, of the way we were
 – ‘The Way We Were’ / Barbara Streisand

My Friday night was not spent doing the ‘Hustle’ at a Disco…nor did I dress up and participate in a Rocky Horror Picture Show. I didn’t spend the evening reading ‘Looking for Mr. Goodbar’…and not just because I have already seen the movie.

On Saturday, not once did I consider wearing bell bottom jeans or a rayon shirt to the game. I don’t have a CB radio in my car…probably because I would rather get a speeding ticket than utter the phrases "That's a big 10-4 good buddy.”

No, we didn’t spend the pre-game drinking Schlitz and listening to Jefferson Starship on an 8-track player in the O’Connell’s parking lot. Not once did the focus of our discussions involve: Charlie’s Angels, Jimmy Hoffa or the movie Jaws. While I am sure that somewhere there were discussions about military involvement in a foreign country or the price of gas…I would be surprised if Vietnam and .44 cents a gallon were the main points of contention.

At the stadium…while many chests in the stands were now artificial, the field of play no longer was…Mike Treps and John Brooks were no longer in the Sooners radio booth….and no, you couldn’t re-enter the stadium after leaving for a quick half-time beer. If there were any demonstrations or exhibitions of free love happening in or around the stadium, regrettably I was not involved.

And no…the first play of the game did not go anything like this: Quarterback Steve Davis, the 5’11” senior from Sallisaw, takes the snap, fakes a handoff to the FB Littrell…options right…cuts up field …now he pitches to Ivory. Horace, down the right sideline is finally pushed out of bounds at the 47 yard line. At least not for the Sooners anyway.

Despite these facts, who could blame any OU fan for experiencing a three hour journey back in time last Saturday? When you look down and see Lee Roy Selmon on the sideline while you are witnessing an option offense run up and down Owen Field for 351 yards on 63 carries...well…visions of 1975 are easy to imagine…even if the platform shoes aren’t.

This past weekend the University of Oklahoma held a reunion honoring members of the Oklahoma Sooners 1974 and 1975 back-to-back national championship teams. Lee Roy and Dewey Selmon, Steve Davis, Randy Hughes, Tinker Owens and Elvis Peacock were just a few of the 60+ Sooners and coaches who attended the weekend long celebration. The schedule of events included a party on Friday night followed by a special recognition ceremony that was held during half-time of Saturday’s game.

But the biggest tribute to that past era of Sooner champions may have been one that was unscheduled and unintentional.

It has been said, that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…if that is truly the case…then the performance put on by the Air Force option offense last Saturday…must have had those Sooners of yester-year blushing.

One if by land, two if by…land’… Yes, the decade of the 70’s was ‘Some Kind of Wonderful’ for OU fans. During those ‘Happy Days’ and ‘Good Times’ the Sooners combined a dominate defense with an explosive, high powered, high scoring wishbone offense to win more games than any other program in the country.

The times, they are a changing…. In the 1970’s, college football had a run first mentality. Need some proof? From 1972-1983 the only position to win a Heisman Trophy was a running back. Need more? Try this statistic: 58 of 152 for 1,331 yards. That was COMBINED passing totals for the 1974 and 1975 Oklahoma Sooners National Title teams. In 1975 the Sooners completed less passes that entire season (25) than Landry Jones did last Saturday (26).

Baseball has always been, and still is, about pitching and defense. In basketball, Jordan and Kobe proved that you could win a title without having a legitimate star at center. In hockey, it was the belief that you only went as far as your goalie would take you…which was a first round playoff exit once Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux came along….but the adjustment in offensive philosophy necessary to win a championship in college football, is arguably the biggest change seen in all of sports history. (This has been another deep thought brought to you by The OAS).

Today’s college football offense is like an iPhone or a laptop…sleek, modern, multi faceted machines built to produce instant rewards. Like the pet rock, the Magic 8 Ball or the mood ring…the option offense is a fad from an era left way behind. If today’s offenses were a form of communication…the passing game of the spread offense would be a text message, while the wishbone would be the equivalent of the hand written letter.

The Air Force almost took the Sooners back to the future last Saturday. Like me, I would guess that most Sooner fans were nervous and concerned at one point as to what the outcome might be. But, I’m willing to bet that somewhere in heaven former Sooner QB Jack Mildren, ‘The Godfather’ of the wishbone, was smiling…lets just hope he wasn’t wearing a one piece leisure suit when he was.

Just the opinion of one mildly interested guy…

The Overweight Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Friday, September 17, 2010



My attitude is one of hope…Hoping it was only one game, the first game…hoping that Utah St. was just better than expected (which I think is true)…and hoping that even though looking ahead is a bad habit too, maybe that is what happened here.”
–Quote from The OAS in Week One Update.

I know. Amazing isn’t it? Insight with that kind of depth is not easy to find these days. It’s a gift really. Oh, like you, I hear the talk…people calling me a “Super Hero of Sooner Stuff”…but I don’t know…the word ‘super’ is so over used these days. Ultimately, I guess that’s for me to decide. But regardless of how I label my genius, it feels good knowing that my level headed, even keel, emotionally stable approach in regards to all things Sooner Football is being recognized.

Not buying that? Yeah, me neither. Like most of you, I have met me. Even keel? Can’t say I have heard that used to describe me in, well, ever. My ‘hope prediction’ from last week, falls squarely into the “even my broken clock is right twice a day” category…Hell, I was just due. As far as my history with predictions or assumptions go…A man has a better chance of being the victim in a Lifetime Channel movie than I do being correct. I don’t need Charles Dickens to send the ‘Ghost of Over Reactions Past’ my way for a visit to remember these little winners:

Allen Patrick will never see the field as a running back
What I meant to say was…Patrick turned out to be a very important part of the offense for the Sooners in 2006 & 2007. In 2006, he adequately took over for an injured Adrian Peterson…rushing for 761 yards on 169 carries. In 2007 as the starter he rushed for a team leading 1,009 yards, on 173 carries. Not a bad career for a guy that was never going to see the field.

The impact of the Rhett Bomar situation will not only destroy the 2007 season, it’s impact on the program could very well be felt for years to come
Or Not. Sooners were Big 12 Champs in 2007 with a converted WR at QB. In 2008 a sophomore 2 star recruit from Putnam City named Sam Bradford led the Sooners to the Big 12 Title and BCS Title Game…Oh, and that guy Bradford; he also won the Heisman that year.
All those Bomar Sooner t-shirts I had made are in a box with my 2004 Sugar Bowl shirt, my 2005 Orange Bowl shirt and my Brent Rawls for Heisman t-shirts.

Mo Dampeer will take over from Tommie Harris and be the next great DT in Sooner historyNot So Much…Mo could have won ‘Dancing with the Stars’ with his sideline break dancing...but the Sooners were hoping for a Selmon Brother not M.C. Hammer. Dampeer ended his career with more interceptions than QB sacks (1).

But, that is the beauty of a new season and having a delete button on your blog….I am 1-0 and on fire in 2010.

"Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." – Mark Twain

Cancel those reservations at the Best Western in Shreveport. What a difference a week makes. Turns out that Landry Jones can still pass…our lineman can block….our cornerbacks can actually knock down a pass…our linebackers can make tackles with out causing red laundry to be thrown…and our kicker can…OK, well, things aren’t perfect, but they are a lot better than a lot of people in the Sooner Nation assumed at this point last week. No, the Sooners don’t suck…but we are probably not as good as we looked against FSU last weekend either. But what an improvement:


Last Week: Simply Offensive / This Week: Mr. Jones & The Jets
It took three plays to see that the offensive game plan was ‘a little different’ than it was for Utah St. Last Week: was the ‘turn around and hand it to #7’ offense...the aesthetic auto equivalent of the Chrysler K-Car…This Week: the Sooners moved the ball around, utilized weapons no one thought they even had (see TE below) and set up the run with the pass. Auto equivalent: ‘Little red Corvette’.

No Matter What Week: News flash…Ryan Broyles is a stud

I would like to report a UFO sighting:
I think I saw a TE dressed in a Sooners uniform. Last Week: What is a Tight End? (Yes, I have several smart ass answers for that as well…no pun intended.)
This Week: Mr. End Zone, I would like you to meet: James Hanna & Trent Ratterree. No they have never met…at least not since 2008. In 2009 the Sooner TE’s had the same number of TD catches that I did…that would be zero if you are scoring at home. Hanna finally showed the speed and versatility we have been hearing about since he arrived in 2008. Was it my stadium cup cocktail or did anyone have a little Trent Smith flashback on his long TD catch?

Much Ado about Mossis Madu:
Dear Mossis: Welcome back from your one game suspension. I missed you. While you were gone, Kevin Wilson was very mean to me. He made me run the ball 35 times. Doesn’t he know that I breakdown easier than Lindsay Lohan in a court room? If you decide to drink again, please take RB Jermie Calhoun with you to be your designated driver…he is obviously not busy here and needs something to do. In fact, it will probably make him feel good that he finally got an important ‘carry’as a Sooner.
Sincerely, DeMarco Murray.
P.S. Do you Chris Brown’s cell number?


Brent Venables: As The Fine Young Cannibals might have put it: He Drives Me Crazy. Every time I write him off, convinced that he couldn’t coach a player out of a paper bag…he comes off with a game plan or an adjustment that makes him out to be a genius. For every Lewis Baker he falls in love with, he develops a DJ Wolfe or Clint Ingram. For every running QB that has burned us for 200 yards on the ground.…there is a Heisman candidate or five that he has shut down like a typewriter store.
The defensive adjustment he made after the Seminoles first drive was the key to the game. The FSU coaches never found an answer. FSU QB Ponder was 11-28…and most of those 11 completions were on the first drive.
I admit that I have an on again off again thing for Venables. While I am not a fan, I am more than willing to acknowledge his success…Quick to criticize but the same with credit. He is like a woman that you are tired of going out with…but just not tired enough of her to break up. Venables and I are going out again Saturday against Air Force…triple option offenses and I have something in common…we have both been known to be hard on relationships. See ya Saturday Brent….pick you up about 2:30.

The emergence of freshman Tony Jefferson at nickel back has given the Sooners a nice problem to have. His play has Venables playing a nickel package as more of a base defense, which takes the strong side LB off the field…which is Ronnell Lewis. Lewis is a player the coaches want on the field…so they have him playing a lot at DE….which was a crowded and talented position to begin with. Interesting to see how the rotation plays out.

Thats all I got...

Just the Opinion of One Mildly Interested Guy

The Overweigth Armchair Sooner

Buddy Putty

Thursday, September 9, 2010



THE OAS SOONER SPOT LIGHT: Patrick O’Hara, OU place kicker

Thought I would mention this kid now before he isn’t the kicker anymore. Has anyone said anything good about any of the Sooners place kickers this year? “Hey, they never forget to bring their kicking shoe…Anything?” I mean seriously, how confident can this kid O’Hara be? Two weeks ago, his head coach was so impressed with his performance in practice that he felt the need to publicly invite anyone with a pulse and a student ID to come out and audition for his kicking job.
When no one with the ability to be consistent inside of 40 yards magically emerged from the Department of Medieval and Renaissance Studies….Stoops reluctantly named O’Hara the starting kicker. When pressed as to why by inquiring minds…Stoops all but said: “of all the candidates, he sucked the least…and the people printing the program needed a name to put next to the K.” This kid needs his holder to be Dr. Phil.

I seriously think he needs to be featured in a Dos Equis type ad:
He is blamed for losing games the team has yet to even play…Tony Robbins advised him that his only option was to just give up...He was the punch line to jokes told before he was even born…his mother openly admits she wanted a girl…The questions on his recent Spanish class final exam were written in French…Homeless people feel the need to give him money…His twin, if he had one, would claim to be an only child…He is…the most beaten down Sooner in the world.

Need more evidence of the lack of confidence from his coach? Facing 4th and 6 from UTS 28 yard line…Stoops felt it a better gamble to go for it on 4th down then he did have O’Hara attempt a field goal from 45 yards out. Since I think a donut has a better chance to survive 5 minutes alone with Kirstie Alley then O’Hara does making a 45 yard field goal….I thought it was the right move. (The OAS has your back coach!)

I am proud for O’Hara and his success Saturday night. He converted all of his extra points and the one field goal opportunity he got. Good for him. But just for the record, O’Hara’s 32 yard field goal might very well have been the ugliest ever made in school history…but the key word in that sentence was “made” I guess. Ugly but effective can certainly work…just ask Steve Buscemi….

In the words of the Most Interesting Man in the World: “I don’t always try field goals, but when I do, I prefer to drink heavily….Score Touchdowns My Friends"

Clearly, the “in thing” in business advertising these days is to boast a mascot. To me, walking around campus corner was like being an extra in a Pixar Film. There was a walking steel belted radial tire, a hand shaking computer screen, an overly aggressive orange safety cone representing who knows what...and my personal favorite, a water drop named H2Ou. Evidently there must be some sort of Campus Corner mandate that if your product is edible, it must be represented by a mascot. What happened to the day when a business would just pay Billy Sims $20 to stand at the door and tell you it was his favorite place? Now it like a buffet on parade…everywhere you turn there is a walking, talking, smiling, kid kissing, 7” tall carbohydrate trying to hand you a flyer. Does this kind of marketing really work? Maybe it’s just me, but I just can’t envision a scenario in which my dietary decision would be influenced one way or another by a dancing Bean Burrito.


Positive first play √ Score inside the red zone √ Convert extra point √
QB not hurt before half √ Schooner Ponies don’t take pre-game poop on field √
Sooners roll over Aggies...X

“Holy ‘Big Love’…this can’t be happening again…can it?”

Yes, that thought crossed my mind more than once Saturday night. Well, OK…maybe not that exact thought. My disbelief at the possibility of losing a second consecutive season opener probably didn’t include a reference to the HBO series Big Love…but hey, how often does one get the opportunity to work a TV show about polygamous families in Utah into the conversation? I am nothing if not opportunistic.

The truth of the matter is…the Sooners got outplayed and maybe outcoached last Saturday night. In the end OU won the game because: (1) it was at Owen Field and (2) the disproportionate talent edge the Sooners possessed made just enough plays to avoid being upset by the 31 point underdog Aggies.

The victory was the 800th in Oklahoma school history, an accomplishment that only 7 other schools can make. 800 wins is an amazing accomplishment…it validates our sense of tradition and underscores the consistent, long term excellence that this program has achieved…Nice milestone…but if you are wondering why you didn’t get invited to the 800th win celebration after the game, don’t worry…it is because there wasn’t one. This team has major issues that need to be addressed and soon….cause if they don’t…you won’t be getting invited to the post game 801st victory celebration this weekend either.

Couple Positives -Thought Wort & R. Lewis were active and aggressive. Tom Wort, obviously a little to much so with the 2 personal foul penalties. It didn’t bother me as much as coaches, I was glad to see some passion out there.
-Freshman contributions. I noticed lots of redshirt and true freshman out on the field. The one that stood out the most was true freshman DB Tony Jefferson from California. He is the starting nickel back…played very well in my opinion.

I thought we could get a foot, and I was almost wrong.” – Bob Stoops
Still 8 minutes to go in 3rd quarter, OU goes for 4th and inches at own 32
Panic move or Big Game Bob Move? Were coaches concerned that by punting they would be behind next time they had the ball? Interesting call.

Frankly, enough is being said about this game, so I won’t recap what you have already read...My attitude is one of hope…Hoping it was only one game, the first game…hoping that Utah St. was just better than expected (which I think is true)…and hoping that even though looking ahead is a bad habit too, maybe that was what happened here. We will know soon enough.

See you in Norman, get there early....we are.--“Stay thirsty my friends

Just the Opinion of one mildly interested guy

The Overweight Armchair Sooner
Buddy Putty

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time To Begin 2010


For the second straight year the Sooners will open the season against a team from the Mormon state. OK, OK…calm down. Just like you, I am well aware of the fact that the official nickname for the state of Utah is The Beehive State. But seriously, The Beehive State? I don’t get it…Is Winnie the Pooh from Utah or what? I will grant you that the Mormon state is not ideal...but at least it is not as generic and non-associating as a beehive. Look, my name is Buddy Putty, so who am I to say shit to anybody about what they want to call themselves. But I will say this…My “official” name is Weldon. The only people who address me as such are opposing counsels and some bitch from Discover Card…and I don’t like it or them. Weldon is an old guy who hangs out at the coffee shop. Weldon doesn’t fit me. So out of respect for Butch Cassidy, Donnie Osmond and all the other Utahans I have never met...Utah is the Mormon State.

(Wow, first paragraph and I go way off the map…although it seems worth it, if for no other reason than I got to use Winnie the Pooh and Butch Cassidy in the same paragraph.)

Anyway…Also like last year, the opening opponent will be dressed in blue and white and will be a double-digit underdog. As was also the case a year ago, the game is scheduled for evening kickoff and will be played before a large partisan OU crowd.

Also like last year, I plan on arriving at the game early. I plan on enjoying some time with old friends as well as some adult beverages. I am sure that just like opening day last year and all the opening days prior …I will still get that familiar rush that come with the new season…things I call ”the traditions”

The traditions are things…like the energy you feel and the color you see entering the stadium…hearing the “go-go” as the Pride takes the field (just got chills)…Waiting to see if the Drum Major who leads the team down the field can tilt his head back like the guys we watched as kids…all the while knowing he won’t. It’s the chill I will get from watching the new intro video on the Jumbo-Tron…which is similar to the one I will get when the Sooners take the field. Tradition is a large bag of peanuts and the sound of crown royal and ice merging in a $6 stadium cup. Hey, some traditions are better for you than others.

On a personal note, there is one tradition that I will enjoy above all other this season…I will see my friend Ken again. Ken is the unfortunate soul who has had to sit next to me at Memorial Stadium for the last 17 years. Don’t know that I have ever heard him cuss; don’t know that he has ever heard me not. Ken has been battling cancer for a couple years with a courage and passion that is truly remarkable. If he possessed an attitude wrought with bitterness or defined by depression, one would understand, if not condone…instead you find a Sooner fan with a youthful exuberance and passion that even I bow too. Instead of complaining about how he feels or the effects of chemo…Ken will talk about the point spread and single out which Pom-Pom girl he thinks wants to date him this season. Last year Ken had a tear running down his face on senior night. While we were all sad to see Cordero Moore and Carter Whitson graduate…I knew what he was thinking…maybe this was his last home game too. He promised me he would be back. He called me last week to confirm that he was indeed “living" up to his end of the deal. I never doubted for a moment that he wouldn't. Ken told me he was looking forward to seeing me…I am looking forward to him seeing me too…Ken, the honor is all mine. Boomer Sooner

Yes, it will be all smiles and maybe even a Steel Magnolia moment or two. It will be good to be back with something so familiar, so good, so comfortable….
That being said….from that point on….I hope that any and all similarities to last year come to an end.


I hope that Joe Castiglione does not have to scoop up pony poop before the anthem. I hope that after one play, it is not 1st and 15. I hope that the Sooners will find a way to score touchdowns inside the red zone…and be able make the point after when they do. I hope that if Landry Jones is standing on the sidelines in the second half without pads on, that he is eating ice instead of wearing it. I hope Stoops does not wait until Jones gets hurt to get Allen some snaps. I hope that the mouthy idiot two rows behind me had to go to a wedding or a baby shower or had car trouble and couldn’t make the game. I hope that the guy who wins the Carl’s punt, pass and kick thing has some eligibility left so he can kick for us. I hope our starting tight end is not on crutches when the game starts and has better hand than a fish after it does. I hope that LB’s Tom Wort & Ronnell Lewis are as good as I think they are…Jamarkus McFarland is more Selmon, Harris & McCoy than he is Mo Dampeer or De Granger. I hope the Sooner coaches can find the milk carton that former top prospect in the nation R.J. Washington is on. I hope Wheeler and Colman are ready to roll with the food this week, because I am going to be a consumer not a provider. I hope the final score is what I expect it to be.

It is time for football. Personally, the season could not be getting here at a better time for me. Life is strange…about the time you think you got it all figured out, it provides proof that you don’t. Going to Norman for OU games has always been like going home…a place to see old friends and meet new ones…there is a comfort in it…its good for the sole…and my soul could use some good.

It is time to renew traditions. Time to feel the chills those traditions bring…It’s time to tape your ankles and put on your eye black…time to turn on GameDay and fill you flask. Get out your new OU shirt and visor…and pick out your Pom-Pom girl…It’s time to get excited about potential and be nervous about the unknown…Its time to see old friends and met new…It’s time for football….It’s about time

Just the opinion of one mildly interested fan...
Buddy Putty
The Overweight Armchair Sooner

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